State fund or other state assurance.

§ 280.101 State fund or other state assurance.

(a) An owner or operator may satisfy the requirements of § 280.93 for underground storage tanks located in a state, where EPA is administering the requirements of this subpart, which assures that monies will be available from a state fund or state assurance program to cover costs up to the limits specified in § 280.93 or otherwise assures that such costs will be paid if the Regional Administrator determines that the state's assurance is at least equivalent to the financial mechanisms specified in this subpart.

(b) The Regional Administrator will evaluate the equivalency of a state fund or other state assurance principally in terms of: Certainty of the availability of funds for taking corrective action and/or for compensating third parties; the amount of funds that will be made available; and the types of costs covered. The Regional Administrator may also consider other factors as is necessary.

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