Local government financial test.

§ 280.105 Local government financial test.

(a) A local government owner or operator may satisfy the requirements of § 280.93 by passing the financial test specified in this section. To be eligible to use the financial test, the local government owner or operator must have the ability and authority to assess and levy taxes or to freely establish fees and charges. To pass the local government financial test, the owner or operator must meet the criteria of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section based on year-end financial statements for the latest completed fiscal year.


(1) The local government owner or operator must have the following information available, as shown in the year-end financial statements for the latest completed fiscal year:

(i) Total revenues. Consists of the sum of general fund operating and non-operating revenues including net local taxes, licenses and permits, fines and forfeitures, revenues from use of money and property, charges for services, investment earnings, sales (property, publications, etc.), intergovernmental revenues (restricted and unrestricted), and total revenues from all other governmental funds including enterprise, debt service, capital projects, and special revenues, but excluding revenues to funds held in a trust or agency capacity. For purposes of this test, the calculation of total revenues shall exclude all transfers between funds under the direct control of the local government using the financial test (interfund transfers), liquidation of investments, and issuance of debt.

(ii) Total expenditures. Consists of the sum of general fund operating and non-operating expenditures including public safety, public utilities, transportation, public works, environmental protection, cultural and recreational, community development, revenue sharing, employee benefits and compensation, office management, planning and zoning, capital projects, interest payments on debt, payments for retirement of debt principal, and total expenditures from all other governmental funds including enterprise, debt service, capital projects, and special revenues. For purposes of this test, the calculation of total expenditures shall exclude all transfers between funds under the direct control of the local government using the financial test (interfund transfers).

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