Special contract provisions related to payment.

§ 438.6 Special contract provisions related to payment.

(a) Definitions. As used in this part, the following terms have the indicated meanings:

Base amount is the starting amount, calculated according to paragraph (d)(2) of this section, available for pass-through payments to hospitals in a given contract year subject to the schedule in paragraph (d)(3) of this section.

Incentive arrangement means any payment mechanism under which a MCO, PIHP, or PAHP may receive additional funds over and above the capitation rates it was paid for meeting targets specified in the contract.

Pass-through payment is any amount required by the State to be added to the contracted payment rates, and considered in calculating the actuarially sound capitation rate, between the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP and hospitals, physicians, or nursing facilities that is not for the following purposes: A specific service or benefit provided to a specific enrollee covered under the contract; a provider payment methodology permitted under paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section for services and enrollees covered under the contract; a subcapitated payment arrangement for a specific set of services and enrollees covered under the contract; GME payments; or FQHC or RHC wrap around payments.

Risk corridor means a risk sharing mechanism in which States and MCOs, PIHPs, or PAHPs may share in profits and losses under the contract outside of a predetermined threshold amount.

State plan approved rates means amounts calculated for specific services identifiable as having been provided to an individual beneficiary described under CMS approved rate methodologies in the Medicaid State plan. Supplemental payments contained in a State plan are not, and do not constitute, State plan approved rates.

Supplemental payments means amounts paid by the State in its FFS Medicaid delivery system to providers that are described and approved in the State plan or under a demonstration or waiver thereof and are in addition to State plan approved rates. Disproportionate share hospital (DSH) and graduate medical education (GME) payments are not, and do not constitute, supplemental payments.

Withhold arrangement means any payment mechanism under which a portion of a capitation rate is withheld from an MCO, PIHP, or PAHP and a portion of or all of the withheld amount will be paid to the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP for meeting targets specified in the contract. The targets for a withhold arrangement are distinct from general operational requirements under the contract. Arrangements that withhold a portion of a capitation rate for noncompliance with general operational requirements are a penalty and not a withhold arrangement.

(b) Basic requirements. (1) If used in the payment arrangement between the State and the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP, all applicable risk-sharing mechanisms, such as reinsurance, risk corridors, or stop-loss limits, must be documented in the contract and rate certification documents for the rating period prior to the start of the rating period, and must be developed in accordance with § 438.4, the rate development standards in § 438.5, and generally accepted actuarial principles and practices. Risk-sharing mechanisms may not be added or modified after the start of the rating period.

(2) Contracts with incentive arrangements may not provide for payment in excess of 105 percent of the approved capitation payments attributable to the enrollees or services covered by the incentive arrangement, since such total payments will not be considered to be actuarially sound. For all incentive arrangements, the contract must provide that the arrangement is—

(i) For a fixed period of time and performance is measured during the rating period under the contract in which the incentive arrangement is applied.

(ii) Not to be renewed automatically.

(iii) Made available to both public and private contractors under the same terms of performance.

(iv) Does not condition MCO, PIHP, or PAHP participation in the incentive arrangement on the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP entering into or adhering to intergovernmental transfer agreements.

(v) Necessary for the specified activities, targets, performance measures, or quality-based outcomes that support program initiatives as specified in the State's quality strategy at § 438.340.

(3) Contracts that provide for a withhold arrangement must ensure that the capitation payment minus any portion of the withhold that is not reasonably achievable is actuarially sound as determined by an actuary. The total amount of the withhold, achievable or not, must be reasonable and take into consideration the MCO's, PIHP's or PAHP's financial operating needs accounting for the size and characteristics of the populations covered under the contract, as well as the MCO's, PIHP's or PAHP's capital reserves as measured by the risk-based capital level, months of claims reserve, or other appropriate measure of reserves. The data, assumptions, and methodologies used to determine the portion of the withhold that is reasonably achievable must be submitted as part of the documentation required under § 438.7(b)(6). For all withhold arrangements, the contract must provide that the arrangement is—

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