Rate certification submission.

§ 438.7 Rate certification submission.

(a) CMS review and approval of the rate certification. States must submit to CMS for review and approval, all MCO, PIHP, and PAHP rate certifications concurrent with the review and approval process for contracts as specified in § 438.3(a).

(b) Documentation. The rate certification must contain the following information:

(1) Base data. A description of the base data used in the rate setting process (including the base data requested by the actuary, the base data that was provided by the State, and an explanation of why any base data requested was not provided by the State) and of how the actuary determined which base data set was appropriate to use for the rating period.

(2) Trend. Each trend factor, including trend factors for changes in the utilization and price of services, applied to develop the capitation rates must be adequately described with enough detail so CMS or an actuary applying generally accepted actuarial principles and practices can understand and evaluate the following:

(i) The calculation of each trend used for the rating period and the reasonableness of the trend for the enrolled population.

(ii) Any meaningful difference in how a trend differs between the rate cells, service categories, or eligibility categories.

(3) Non-benefit component of the rate. The development of the non-benefit component of the rate must be adequately described with enough detail so CMS or an actuary applying generally accepted actuarial principles and practices can identify each type of non-benefit expense that is included in the rate and evaluate the reasonableness of the cost assumptions underlying each expense. The actuary may document the non-benefit costs according to the types of non-benefit costs under § 438.5(e).

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