South Dakota.

§ 81.342 South Dakota.

South Dakota—1971 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated Does not meet primary standards Does not meet secondary standards Cannot be classified Better than national standards
Entire StateX

South Dakota—2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS


Designated area 1Designation
Date 2Type
Aurora County
Beadle County
Bennett County
Bon Homme County
Brookings County
Brown County
Brule County
Buffalo County
Butte County
Campbell County
Charles Mix County
Clark County
Clay County
Codington County
Corson County
Custer County
Davison County
Day County
Deuel County
Dewey County
Douglas County
Edmunds County
Fall River County
Faulk County
Grant County9/12/16Attainment/Unclassifiable.
Gregory County
Haakon County
Hamlin County
Hand County
Hanson County
Harding County
Hughes County
Hutchinson County
Hyde County
Jackson County
Jerauld County
Jones County
Kingsbury County
Lake County
Lawrence County
Lincoln County
Lyman County
McCook County
McPherson County
Marshall County
Meade County
Mellette County
Miner County
Minnehaha County
Moody County
Oglala Lakota County
Pennington County
Perkins County
Potter County
Roberts County
Sanborn County
Spink County
Stanley County
Sully County
Todd County
Tripp County
Turner County
Union County
Walworth County
Yankton County
Ziebach County

1 Includes any Indian country in each county or area, unless otherwise specified. EPA is not determining the boundaries of any area of Indian country in this table, including any area of Indian country located in the larger designation area. The inclusion of any Indian country in the designation area is not a determination that the state has regulatory authority under the Clean Air Act for such Indian country.

2 This date is April 9, 2018, unless otherwise noted.

South Dakota—Carbon Monoxide

Designated Area Designation Classification
Date 1Type Date 1Type
Aurora County
Beadle County
Bennett County
Bon Homme County
Brookings County
Brown County
Brule County
Buffalo County
Butte County
Campbell County
Charles Mix County
Clark County
Clay County
Codington County
Corson County
Custer County
Davison County
Day County
Deuel County
Dewey County
Douglas County
Edmunds County
Fall River County
Faulk County
Grant County
Gregory County
Haakon County
Hamlin County
Hand County
Hanson County
Harding County
Hughes County
Hutchinson County
Hyde County
Jackson County
Jerauld County
Jones County
Kingsbury County
Lake County
Lawrence County
Lincoln County
Lyman County
Marshall County
McCook County
McPherson County
Meade County
Mellette County
Miner County
Minnehaha County
Moody County
Pennington County
Perkins County
Potter County
Roberts County
Sanborn County
Shannon County
Spink County
Stanley County
Sully County
Todd County
Tripp County
Turner County
Union County
Walworth County
Yankton County
Ziebach County

1 This date is November 15, 1990, unless otherwise noted.

South Dakota—Ozone (1-Hour Standard) 2

Designated area Designation Classification
Date 1Type Date 1Type
Aurora County
Beadle County
Bennett County
Bon Homme County
Brookings County
Brown County
Brule County
Buffalo County
Butte County
Campbell County
Charles Mix County
Clark County
Clay County
Codington County
Corson County
Custer County
Davison County
Day County
Deuel County
Dewey County
Douglas County
Edmunds County
Fall River County
Faulk County
Grant County
Gregory County
Haakon County
Hamlin County
Hand County
Hanson County
Harding County
Hughes County
Hutchinson County
Hyde County
Jackson County
Jerauld County
Jones County
Kingsbury County
Lake County
Lawrence County
Lincoln County
Lyman County
Marshall County
McCook County
McPherson County
Meade County
Mellette County
Miner County
Minnehaha County
Moody County
Pennington County
Perkins County
Potter County
Roberts County
Sanborn County
Shannon County
Spink County
Stanley County
Sully County
Todd County
Tripp County
Turner County
Union County
Walworth County
Yankton County
Ziebach County

1 This date is October 18, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

2 The 1-hour ozone standard is revoked effective June 15, 2005 for all areas in South Dakota.

South Dakota—PM-10

Designated area Designation Classification
Date Type Date Type
Rapid City Area04/05/06Attainment
Rest of State 111/15/90Unclassifiable

1 Denotes a single area designation for PSD baseline area purposes.

South Dakota—1997 Annual PM2.5 NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated area Designation aClassification
Date 1Type Date Type
Aurora CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Beadle CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Bennett CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Bon Homme CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Brookings CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Brown CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Brule CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Buffalo CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Butte CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Campbell CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Charles Mix CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Clark CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Clay CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Codington CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Corson CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Custer CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Davison CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Day CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Deuel CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Dewey CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Douglas CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Edmunds CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Fall River CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Faulk CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Grant CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Gregory CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Haakon CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Hamlin CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Hand CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Hanson CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Harding CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Hughes CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Hutchinson CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Hyde CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Jackson CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Jerauld CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Jones CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Kingsbury CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Lake CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Lawrence CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Lincoln CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Lyman CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
McCook CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
McPherson CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Marshall CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Meade CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Mellette CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Miner CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Minnehaha CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Moody CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Pennington CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Perkins CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Potter CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Roberts CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Sanborn CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Shannon CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Spink CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Stanley CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Sully CountUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Todd CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Tripp CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Turner CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Union CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Walworth CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Yankton CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
Ziebach CountyUnclassifiable/Attainment.
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