
§ 81.302 Alaska.


Designated area Does not meet primary standards Does not meet secondary standards Cannot be classified Better than national standards
Cook Inlet Intrastate AQCR 8X
Northern Alaska Intrastate AQCR 9X
South Central Alaska Intrastate AQCR 10X
Southeastern Alaska Intrastate AQCR 11X

Alaska—1971 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS

[Primary and Secondary]

Designated area Does not meet primary standards Does not meet secondary standards Cannot be classified Better than national standards
Cook Inlet Intrastate AQCR 8X
Northern Alaska Intrastate AQCR 9X
South Central Alaska Intrastate AQCR 10X
Southeastern Alaska Intrastate AQCR 11X

Alaska—2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS


Designated area 1Designation
Date 2Type
Entire StateAttainment/Unclassifiable.

1 Includes any Indian country in each county or area, unless otherwise specified. EPA is not determining the boundaries of any area of Indian country in this table, including any area of Indian country located in the larger designation area. The inclusion of any Indian country in the designation area is not a determination that the state has regulatory authority under the Clean Air Act for such Indian country.

2 This date is April 9, 2018, unless otherwise noted.

Alaska—Carbon Monoxide

Designated Area Designation Classification
Date 1Type Date 1Type
Anchorage Area—Anchorage Election District (part), Anchorage nonattainment area boundary: The Anchorage Nonattainment Area is contained within the boundary described as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of the New Seward Highway five hundred (500) feet of the centerline of O'Malley Road; thence, Westerly along a line five hundred (500) feet south of and parallel to the centerline of O'Malley Road and its westerly extension thereof to a point on the mean high tide line of the Turnagain Arm; thence, Northeasterly along the mean high tide line to a point five hundred (500) feet west of the southerly extension of the centerline of Sand Lake Road; thence, Northerly along a line five hundred (500) feet west of and parallel to the southerly extension of the centerline of Sand Lake Road to a point on the southerly boundary of the International Airport property;July 23, 2004Attainment
thence, Westerly along said property line of the International Airport to an angle point in said property line; thence, Easterly, along said property line and its easterly extension thereof to a point five hundred (500) feet west of the southerly extension of the
centerline of Wisconsin Street; thence, Northerly along said line to a point on the mean high tide line of the Knik Arm; thence, Northeasterly along the mean high tide line to a point on a line parallel and five hundred (500) feet north of the centerline of Thompson Street and the westerly extension thereof; thence, Easterly along said line to a point five hundred (500) feet east of Boniface Parkway; thence, Southerly along a line five hundred (500) feet east of and parallel to the centerline of Boniface Parkway to a point five hundred (500) feet north of the Glenn Highway; thence, Easterly and northeasterly along a line five hundred (500) feet north of and parallel to the centerline of the Glenn Highway to a point five hundred (500) feet east of the northerly extension of the centerline of
Muldoon Road; thence, Southerly along a line five hundred (500) feet east of and parallel to the centerline of Muldoon Road and continuing southwesterly on a line of curvature five hundred (500) feet southeasterly of the centerline of curvature where Muldoon Road becomes Tudor Road to a point five hundred (500) feet south off the centerline of Tudor Road; thence, Westerly along a line five hundred (500) feet south of the centerline of Tudor Road to a point five hundred (500) feet east of the centerline to Lake Otis Parkway; thence, Westerly along a line five hundred (500) feet south of the centerline of O'Malley Road, ending at the centerline of the New Seward Highway, which is the point of the beginning
Fairbanks AreaSeptember 27, 2004Attainment
Fairbanks Election District (part)
Fairbanks nonattainment area boundary:
1. Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Sections 2 through 23, the portion of Section 1 west of the Fort Wainwright military reservation boundary and the portions of Section 24 north of the Old Richardson Highway and west of the military reservation boundary, also, Township 1 South, Range 2 West, Sections 13 and 24, the portion of Section 12 southwest of Chena Pump Road and the portions of Sections 14 and 23 southeast of the Chena river. Also, Township 1 South, Range 1 East, Sections 7, 8, and 18 and the portion of Section 19 north of the Richardson Highway. (Fairbanks and Ft. Wainwright)
2. Township 2 South, Range 2 East, the portions of Sections 9 and 10 southwest of the Richardson Highway. (North Pole)
AQCR 008 Cook Inlet Intrastate (Remainder of)Unclassifiable/Attainment
Kenai Penninsula Election District
Matanuska-Susitna Election District
Seward Election District
AQCR 009 Northern Alaska Intrastate (Remainder of)Unclassifiable/Attainment
Barrow Election District
Fairbanks N. Star Borough
Area other than portion of Fairbanks urban area designated Nonattainment
Kobuk Election District
Nome Election District
North Slope Election District
Northwest Arctic Borough
Southeast Fairbanks Election District
Upper Yukon Election District
Yukon-Koyukuk Election District
AQCR 010 South Central Alaska Intrastate (Remainder of)Unclassifiable/Attainment
Aleutian Islands Election District
Aleutians East Borough
Aleutians West Census
Anchorage Election District
Area other than portion of Anchorage urban area designated Nonattainment
Bethel Election District
Bristol Bay Borough Election District
Bristol Bay Election District
Cordova-McCarthy Election District
Dillingham Election District
Kodiak Island Election District
Kuskokwim Election District
Lake And Peninsula Brg
Valdez-Cordova Election District
Wade Hampton Election District
AQCR 11 Southeastern Alaska IntrastateUnclassifiable/Attainment
Angoon Election District
Haines Election District
Juneau Election District
Ketchikan Election District
Outer Kethcikan Election District
Prince Of Wales Election District
Sitka Election District
Skagway-Yakutat Election District
Wrangell-Petersburg Election District
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