Source water treatment requirements.

§ 141.83 Source water treatment requirements.

Systems shall complete the applicable source water monitoring and treatment requirements (described in the referenced portions of paragraph (b) of this section, and in §§ 141.86, and 141.88) by the following deadlines.

(a) Deadlines for completing source water treatment steps—(1) Step 1: A system exceeding the lead or copper action level shall complete lead and copper source water monitoring (§ 141.88(b)) and make a treatment recommendation to the State (§ 141.83(b)(1)) no later than 180 days after the end of the monitoring period during which the lead or copper action level was exceeded.

(2) Step 2: The State shall make a determination regarding source water treatment (§ 141.83(b)(2)) within 6 months after submission of monitoring results under step 1.

(3) Step 3: If the State requires installation of source water treatment, the system shall install the treatment (§ 141.83(b)(3)) within 24 months after completion of step 2.

(4) Step 4: The system shall complete follow-up tap water monitoring (§ 141.86(d)(2) and source water monitoring (§ 141.88(c)) within 36 months after completion of step 2.

(5) Step 5: The State shall review the system's installation and operation of source water treatment and specify maximum permissible source water levels (§ 141.83(b)(4)) within 6 months after completion of step 4.

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