Reporting requirements.

§ 141.90 Reporting requirements.

All water systems shall report all of the following information to the State in accordance with this section.

(a) Reporting requirements for tap water monitoring for lead and copper and for water quality parameter monitoring. (1) Notwithstanding the requirements of § 141.31(a), except as provided in paragraph (a)(1)(viii) of this section, a water system must report the information specified in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (ix) of this section, for all tap water samples specified in § 141.86 and for all water quality parameter samples specified in § 141.87 within the first 10 days following the end of each applicable tap sampling monitoring period specified in §§ 141.86 and 141.87 (i.e., every six months, annually, every three years, or every nine years). For tap sampling periods with a duration less than six months, the end of the tap sampling monitoring period is the last date samples can be collected during that tap sampling period as specified in §§ 141.86 and 141.87.

(i) The results of all tap samples for lead and copper including the location of each site and the site selection criteria under § 141.86(a)(3) through (10), used as the basis for which the site was selected for the water system's sampling pool, accounting for § 141.86(a)(11);

(ii) Documentation for each tap water lead or copper sample for which the water system requests invalidation pursuant to § 141.86(f)(2);

(iii) Water systems with lead service lines, galvanized service lines requiring replacement, or lead status unknown service lines in the lead service line inventory conducted under § 141.84(a) must re-evaluate the tap sampling locations used in their sampling pool prior to the compliance date specified in § 141.80(a) and thereafter prior to the next round of tap sampling conducted by the system, or annually, whichever is more frequent.

(A) By the start of the first applicable tap sampling monitoring period in § 141.86(d), the water system must submit a site sample plan to the State in accordance with § 141.86, including a list of tap sample site locations identified from the inventory in § 141.84(a), and a list a tap sampling WQP sites selected under 141.87(a)(1). The site sample plan must be updated and submitted to the State prior to any changes to sample site locations. The State may require modifications to the site sample plan as necessary.

(B) For lead service line systems with insufficient lead service line sites to meet the minimum number required in § 141.86, documentation in support of the conclusion that there are an insufficient number of lead service line sites meeting the criteria under § 141.86(a)(3) or (4) for community water systems or § 141.86(a)(8) for non-transient, non-community water systems, as applicable;

(iv) The 90th percentile lead and copper concentrations measured from among all lead and copper tap water samples collected during each tap sampling period (calculated in accordance with § 141.80(c)(4)), unless the State calculates the water system's 90th percentile lead and copper levels under paragraph (h) of this section;

(v) With the exception of initial tap sampling conducted pursuant to § 141.86(d)(1)(i), the water system must identify any site which was not sampled during previous tap sampling periods, and include an explanation of why sampling sites have changed;

(vi) The results of all water quality parameter tap samples that are required to be collected under § 141.87(b) through (g);

(vii) The results of all samples collected at the entry point(s) to the distribution system for applicable water quality parameters under § 141.87 (b)-(e);

(viii) A water system shall report the results of all water quality parameter samples collected under § 141.87(c) through (f) during each six-month monitoring period specified in § 141.87(d) within the first 10 days following the end of the monitoring period unless the State has specified a more frequent reporting requirement;

(ix) By the start of the first applicable tap sampling period in § 141.86(d), the water system must submit to the State, a copy of the tap sampling protocol that is provided to individuals who are sampling. The State shall verify that wide-mouth collection bottles are used and recommendations for pre-stagnation flushing and aerator cleaning or removal prior to sample collection are not included pursuant to § 141.86(b). The tap sampling protocol shall contain instructions for correctly collecting a first draw sample for sites without lead service lines and a first draw and a fifth liter sample for sites with lead service lines, where applicable. If the water system seeks to modify its tap sampling protocol specified in this paragraph (a)(1)(ix), it must submit the updated version of the protocol to the State for review and approval no later than 60 days prior to use.

(2) For a non-transient non-community water system, or a community water system meeting the criteria of § 141.86(b)(5), that does not have enough taps that can provide first draw or fifth liter samples, the water system must either:

(i) Provide written documentation to the State identifying standing times and locations for enough non-first-draw and fifth liter samples to make up its sampling pool under § 141.86(b)(5) by the start of the first applicable monitoring period under § 141.86(d) unless the State has waived prior State approval of non-first-draw and fifth liter sample sites selected by the water system pursuant to § 141.86(b)(5); or

(ii) If the State has waived prior approval of non-first-draw sample sites selected by the system, identify, in writing, each site that did not meet the six-hour minimum standing time and the length of standing time for that particular substitute sample collected pursuant to § 141.86(b)(5) and include this information with the lead and copper tap sample results required to be submitted pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section.

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