Provider-Based Rules and Regulations

Sample Provider-Based Requirements Compliance Assessment Tool

Department Name:

Department Physical Address/Location (include suite #):

Assessment Done By:


Proximity Designation:

On-Campus ______ Off-Campus ______

For the purpose of this assessment, the terms “provider-based” and “facility-based” are synonymous terms meaning a HOSPITAL department.

Department Information

List hospital names here for reference if necessary

This is the facility, hospital, and/or main hospital that the questions throughout the rest of this assessment refer to.

Consider: Is this the most logical hospital affiliation for this department based on location, etc.?

Facility this department is provider-based to (hospital name):

Department hours of operation:




Admin/Executive director:

Operational owner:

Cost center(s):



Epic department number(s) with department name:

Facility under which patients are registered:

Physician supervision requirement met by (be as specific as possible):

(e.g., in-clinic physician, physician assistant, or advanced registered nurse practitioner; hospitalist; provider within same building; etc.)


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