The ROI of good ROI speak

Melanie Sponholz (, is Chief Compliance Officer at Waud Capital Partners in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Giovanni Gallo (, is Co-CEO and Chief Technology Officer at Ethico in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

Nick Gallo (, is Co-CEO and Chief Servant at Ethico in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

Melanie, Giovanni, and Nick are passionate about empowering compliance and ethics leaders across the US and world.

There are 1,000 different things that you do in a year to move your compliance program forward. But you might not be doing the most valuable one: making a strong case to invest in compliance and ethics. If you’re stuck in that make-do zone where you’re trying to do your best with limited resources, use the tips below to move into make-happen by advocating for your budget. We’ll show you some new ways to present numbers, but just as much of the change you need will be from how your present and persuade.

We believe—and have seen again and again—that this works. Making small changes to how you present budget requests can have a huge impact! By understanding your audience, creating a compelling case for all the things you know are worth doing, and strongly positioning the great returns from investing in ethics will ultimately lead to more budget and more senior strategic involvement. If those are things you would like to see happen for you and your team, read on.

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