Required materials and content.

§ 423.2267 Required materials and content.

For information CMS deems to be vital to the beneficiary, including information related to enrollment, benefits, health, and rights, the agency may develop materials or content that are either standardized or provided in a model form. Such materials and content are collectively referred to as required.

(a) Standards for required materials and content. All required materials and content, regardless of categorization as standardized in paragraph (b) of this section or model in paragraph (c) of this section, must meet the following:

(1) Be in a 12pt font, Times New Roman or equivalent.

(2) For markets with a significant non-English speaking population, be in the language of these individuals. Specifically, Part D sponsors must translate required materials into any non-English language that is the primary language of at least 5 percent of the individuals in a plan benefit package (PBP) service area.

(3) Be provided to enrollees on a standing basis in any non-English language identified in paragraphs (a)(2) and (4) of this section and/or accessible format using auxiliary aids and services upon receiving a request for the materials in a non-English language or accessible format or when otherwise learning of the enrollee's primary language and/or need for an accessible format. This requirement also applies to the individualized plans of care described in § 422.101(f)(1)(ii) of this chapter for special needs plan enrollees.

(4) For any fully integrated dual eligible special needs plan or highly integrated dual eligible special needs plan as defined at § 422.2 of this chapter, or applicable integrated plan as defined at § 422.561 of this chapter, be translated into the language(s) required by the Medicaid translation standard as specified through their capitated Medicaid managed care contract in addition to the language(s) required by the Medicare translation standard in paragraph (a)(2) of this section.

(5) Be provided to the beneficiary within CMS's specified timeframes.

(b) Standardized materials. Standardized materials and content are required materials and content that must be used in the form and manner provided by CMS.

(1) When CMS issues standardized material or content, a Part D sponsor must use the document without alteration except for the following:

(i) Populating variable fields.

(ii) Correcting grammatical errors.

(iii) Adding customer service phone numbers.

(iv) Adding plan name, logo, or both.

(v) Deleting content that does not pertain to the plan type (for example, removing MA language for a Part D plan).

(vi) Adding the SMID.

(vii) A Notice of Privacy Practices as required under the HIPAA Privacy Rule (45 CFR 164.520).

(2) When CMS issues standardized content, Part D sponsors—

(3) The Part D sponsor may develop accompanying language for standardized material or content, provided that language does not conflict with the standardized material or content. For example, CMS may issue standardized content associated with an appeal notification and Part D sponsor may draft a letter that includes the standardized content in the body of the letter; the remaining language in the letter is at the sponsor's discretion, provided it does not conflict with the standardized content or other regulatory standards.

(c) Model materials. Model materials and content are those required materials and content created by CMS as an example of how to convey beneficiary information. When drafting required materials or content based on CMS models, Part D sponsors:

(1) Must accurately convey the vital information in the required material or content to the beneficiary, although the Part D sponsor is not required to use CMS model materials or content verbatim; and

(2) Must follow CMS's specified order of content, when specified.

(d) Delivery of required materials. Part D sponsors must mail required materials in hard copy or provide them electronically, following the requirements in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) For hard copy mailed materials, each enrollee must receive his or her own copy, except in cases of non-beneficiary-specific material(s) where the Part D sponsor has determined multiple enrollees are living in the same household and it has reason to believe the enrollees are related. In that case, the Part D sponsor may mail one copy to the household. The Part D sponsor must provide all enrollees an opt-out process so the enrollees can each receive his or her own copy, instead of a copy to the household. Materials specific to an individual beneficiary must always be mailed to that individual.

(2) Materials may be delivered electronically following the requirements in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Without prior authorization from the enrollee, Part D sponsors may mail new and current enrollees a notice informing enrollees how to electronically access the following required materials: the Evidence of Coverage, Provider and Pharmacy Directories, and Formulary. The following requirements apply:

(A) The Part D sponsor may mail one notice for all materials or multiple notices.

(B) Notices for prospective year materials may not be mailed prior to September 1 of each year, but must be sent in time for an enrollee to access the specified materials by October 15 of each year.

(C) The Part D sponsor may send the notice throughout the year to new enrollees.

(D) The notice must include the website address to access the materials, the date the materials will be available if not currently available, and a phone number to request that hard copy materials be mailed.

(E) The notice must provide the enrollee with the option to request hardcopy materials. Requests may be material specific, and must have the option of a one-time request or a permanent request that must stay in place until the enrollee chooses to receive electronic materials again.

(F) Hard copies of requested materials must be sent within three business days of the request.

(ii) With prior authorization from the enrollee, the Part D sponsor may provide any required material or content electronically. To do so, the Part D sponsor must do all of the following:

(A) Obtain prior consent from the enrollee. The consent must specify both the media type and the specific materials being provided in that media type.

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