General communications materials and activity requirements.

§ 423.2262 General communications materials and activity requirements.

Part D sponsors may not mislead, confuse, or provide materially inaccurate information to current or potential enrollees.

(a) General rules. Part D sponsors must ensure their statements and the terminology used in communications activities and materials adhere to the following requirements:

(1) Part D sponsors may not do any of the following:

(i) Provide information that is inaccurate or misleading.

(ii) Use of superlatives, unless sources of documentation or data supportive of the superlative is also referenced in the material. Such supportive documentation or data must reflect data, reports, studies, or other documentation that applies to the current contract year or prior contract year.

(A) Including data older than the prior contract year is permitted provided the current and prior contract year data are specifically identified.

(B) [Reserved]

(iii) Engage in activities that could mislead or confuse Medicare beneficiaries, or misrepresent the Part D sponsor.

(iv) Engage in any discriminatory activity such as attempting to recruit Medicare beneficiaries from higher income areas without making comparable efforts to enroll Medicare beneficiaries from lower income areas, or vice versa.

(v) Target potential enrollees based on higher or lower income levels.

(vi) Target potential enrollees based on health status.

(vii) State or imply plans are only available to seniors rather than to all Medicare beneficiaries.

(viii) Employ Part D plan names that suggest that a plan is not available to all Medicare beneficiaries.

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