Requesting an appeal of the final settlement amount.

§ 423.522 Requesting an appeal of the final settlement amount.

(a) Appeals process. If a Part D sponsor does not agree with the final settlement amount described in § 423.521(a) of this section, it may appeal under the following three-level appeal process:

(1) Reconsideration. A Part D sponsor may request reconsideration of the final settlement amount described in § 423.521(a) according to the following process:

(i) Manner and timing of request. A written request for reconsideration must be filed within 15 days from the date that CMS issued the notice of final settlement to the Part D sponsor.

(ii) Content of request. The written request for reconsideration must do all of the following:

(A) Specify the calculation with which the Part D sponsor disagrees and the reasons for its disagreement.

(B) Include evidence supporting the assertion that CMS's calculation of the final settlement amount is incorrect.

(C) Not include new reconciliation data or data that was submitted to CMS after the final settlement notice was issued. CMS does not consider information submitted for the purposes of retroactively adjusting a prior reconciliation.

(iii) Conduct of reconsideration. In conducting the reconsideration, the CMS reconsideration official reviews the calculations that were used to determine the final settlement amount and any additional evidence timely submitted by the Part D sponsor.

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