General provisions.

§ 423.504 General provisions.

(a) General rule. Subject to the provisions at § 423.265 of this part concerning submission of bids, to enroll beneficiaries in any Part D drug plan it offers and be paid on behalf of Part D eligible individuals enrolled in those plans, a Part D plan sponsor must enter into a contract with CMS. The contract may cover more than one Part D plan.

(b) Conditions necessary to contract as a Part D plan sponsor. Any entity seeking to contract as a Part D plan sponsor must—

(1) Complete an application as described in § 423.502 demonstrating that the entity has the capability to meet the requirements of this part, including those listed in § 423.505.

(2) Be organized and licensed under State law as a risk bearing entity eligible to offer health insurance or health benefits coverage in each State in which it offers a Part D plan, or have secured a Federal waiver, as described in subpart I of this part. (Fallback entity applicants need not be licensed as risk-bearing entities, nor are they required to obtain State licensure demonstrating that the applicant is eligible to offer health insurance or health benefits coverage in each State in which it applies to operate.)

(3) Meet the minimum enrollment requirements of § 423.512(a) unless waived under § 423.512(b).

(4) Have administrative and management arrangements satisfactory to CMS, as demonstrated by at least the following:

(i) A policy making body that exercises oversight and control over the Part D plan sponsor's policies and personnel to ensure that management actions are in the best interest of the organization and its enrollees.

(ii) Personnel and systems sufficient for the Part D plan sponsor to organize, implement, control, and evaluate financial and communication activities, the furnishing of prescription drug services, the quality assurance, medical therapy management, and drug and or utilization management programs, and the administrative and management aspects of the organization.

(iii) At a minimum, an executive manager whose appointment and removal are under the control of the policy making body.

(iv) A fidelity bond or bonds, procured and maintained by the Part D sponsor, in an amount fixed by its policymaking body but not less than $100,000 per individual, covering each officer and employee entrusted with the handling of its funds. The bond may have reasonable deductibles, based upon the financial strength of the Part D plan sponsor.

(v) Insurance policies or other arrangements, secured and maintained by the Part D plan sponsor and approved by CMS to insure the Part D plan sponsor against losses arising from professional liability claims, fire, theft, fraud, embezzlement, and other casualty risks.

(vi) Adopt and implement an effective compliance program, which must include measures that prevent, detect, and correct noncompliance with CMS' program requirements as well as measures that prevent, detect, and correct fraud, waste, and abuse. The compliance program must, at a minimum, include the following core requirements:

(A) Written policies, procedures, and standards of conduct that—

(1) Articulate the Part D plan sponsor's commitment to comply with all applicable Federal and State standards;

(2) Describe compliance expectations as embodied in the standards of conduct;

(3) Implement the operation of the compliance program;

(4) Provide guidance to employees and others on dealing with potential compliance issues;

(5) Identify how to communicate compliance issues to appropriate compliance personnel;

(6) Describe how potential compliance issues are investigated and resolved by the Part D plan sponsor; and

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