Reporting requirements.

§ 60.51Da Reporting requirements.

(a) For SO2, NOX, PM, and NOX plus CO emissions, the performance test data from the initial and subsequent performance test and from the performance evaluation of the continuous monitors (including the transmissometer) must be reported to the Administrator.

(b) For SO2 and NOX the following information is reported to the Administrator for each 24-hour period.

(1) Calendar date.

(2) The average SO2 and NOX emission rates (ng/J, lb/MMBtu, or lb/MWh) for each 30 successive boiler operating days, ending with the last 30-day period in the quarter; reasons for non-compliance with the emission standards; and, description of corrective actions taken.

(3) For owners or operators of affected facilities complying with the percent reduction requirement, percent reduction of the potential combustion concentration of SO2 for each 30 successive boiler operating days, ending with the last 30-day period in the quarter; reasons for non-compliance with the standard; and, description of corrective actions taken.

(4) Identification of the boiler operating days for which pollutant or diluent data have not been obtained by an approved method for at least 75 percent of the hours of operation of the facility; justification for not obtaining sufficient data; and description of corrective actions taken.

(5) Identification of the times when emissions data have been excluded from the calculation of average emission rates because of startup, shutdown, or malfunction.

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