Compliance provisions.

§ 60.48Da Compliance provisions.

(a) For affected facilities for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced before May 4, 2011, the applicable PM emissions limit and opacity standard under § 60.42Da, SO2 emissions limit under § 60.43Da, and NOX emissions limit under § 60.44Da apply at all times except during periods of startup, shutdown, or malfunction. For affected facilities for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced after May 3, 2011, the applicable SO2 emissions limit under § 60.43Da, NOX emissions limit under § 60.44Da, and NOX plus CO emissions limit under § 60.45Da apply at all times. The applicable PM emissions limit and opacity standard under § 60.42Da apply at all times except during periods of startup and shutdown.

(b) After the initial performance test required under § 60.8, compliance with the applicable SO2 emissions limit and percentage reduction requirements under § 60.43Da, NOX emissions limit under § 60.44Da, and NOX plus CO emissions limit under § 60.45Da is based on the average emission rate for 30 successive boiler operating days. A separate performance test is completed at the end of each boiler operating day after the initial performance test, and a new 30-boiler operating day rolling average emission rate for both SO2, NOX or NOX plus CO as applicable, and a new percent reduction for SO2 are calculated to demonstrate compliance with the standards.

(c) For the initial performance test required under § 60.8, compliance with the applicable SO2 emissions limits and percentage reduction requirements under § 60.43Da, the NOX emissions limits under § 60.44Da, and the NOX plus CO emissions limits under § 60.45Da is based on the average emission rates for SO2, NOX, CO, and percent reduction for SO2 for the first 30 successive boiler operating days. The initial performance test is the only test in which at least 30 days prior notice is required unless otherwise specified by the Administrator. The initial performance test is to be scheduled so that the first boiler operating day of the 30 successive boiler operating days is completed within 60 days after achieving the maximum production rate at which the affected facility will be operated, but not later than 180 days after initial startup of the facility.

(d) For affected facilities for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced before May 4, 2011, compliance with applicable 30-boiler operating day rolling average SO2 and NOX emissions limits is determined by calculating the arithmetic average of all hourly emission rates for SO2 and NOX for the 30 successive boiler operating days, except for data obtained during startup, shutdown, or malfunction. For affected facilities for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced after May 3, 2011, compliance with applicable 30-boiler operating day rolling average SO2 and NOX emissions limits is determined by dividing the sum of the SO2 and NOX emissions for the 30 successive boiler operating days by the sum of the gross energy output or net energy output, as applicable, for the 30 successive boiler operating days.

(e) For affected facilities for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced before May 4, 2011, compliance with applicable SO2 percentage reduction requirements is determined based on the average inlet and outlet SO2 emission rates for the 30 successive boiler operating days. For affected facilities for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced after May 3, 2011, compliance with applicable SO2 percentage reduction requirements is determined based on the “as fired” total potential emissions and the total outlet SO2 emissions for the 30 successive boiler operating days.

(f) For affected facilities for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced before May 4, 2011, compliance with the applicable daily average PM emissions limit is determined by calculating the arithmetic average of all hourly emission rates each boiler operating day, except for data obtained during startup, shutdown, or malfunction periods. Daily averages are only calculated for boiler operating days that have non-out-of-control data for at least 18 hours of unit operation during which the standard applies. Instead, all of the non-out-of-control hourly emission rates of the operating day(s) not meeting the minimum 18 hours non-out-of-control data daily average requirement are averaged with all of the non-out-of-control hourly emission rates of the next boiler operating day with 18 hours or more of non-out-of-control PM CEMS data to determine compliance. For affected facilities for which construction or reconstruction commenced after May 3, 2011 that elect to demonstrate compliance using PM CEMS, compliance with the applicable PM emissions limit in § 60.42Da is determined on a 30-boiler operating day rolling average basis by calculating the arithmetic average of all hourly PM emission rates for the 30 successive boiler operating days, except for data obtained during periods of startup and shutdown.

(g) For affected facilities for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced after May 3, 2011, compliance with applicable 30-boiler operating day rolling average NOX plus CO emissions limit is determined by dividing the sum of the NOX plus CO emissions for the 30 successive boiler operating days by the sum of the gross energy output or net energy output, as applicable, for the 30 successive boiler operating days.

(h) If an owner or operator has not obtained the minimum quantity of emission data as required under § 60.49Da of this subpart, compliance of the affected facility with the emission requirements under §§ 60.43Da and 60.44Da of this subpart for the day on which the 30-day period ends may be determined by the Administrator by following the applicable procedures in section 7 of Method 19 of appendix A of this part.

(i) Compliance provisions for sources subject to § 60.44Da(d)(1), (e)(1), (e)(2)(i), (e)(3)(i), (f), or (g). The owner or operator shall calculate NOX emissions as 1.194 × 10−7 lb/scf-ppm times the average hourly NOX output concentration in ppm (measured according to the provisions of § 60.49Da(c)), times the average hourly flow rate (measured in scfh, according to the provisions of § 60.49Da(l) or § 60.49Da(m)), divided by the average hourly gross energy output (measured according to the provisions of § 60.49Da(k)) or the average hourly net energy output, as applicable. Alternatively, for oil-fired and gas-fired units, NOX emissions may be calculated by multiplying the hourly NOX emission rate in lb/MMBtu (measured by the CEMS required under § 60.49Da(c) and (d)), by the hourly heat input rate (measured according to the provisions of § 60.49Da(n)), and dividing the result by the average gross energy output (measured according to the provisions of § 60.49Da(k)) or the average hourly net energy output, as applicable.

(j) Compliance provisions for duct burners subject to § 60.44Da(a)(1). To determine compliance with the emissions limits for NOX required by § 60.44Da(a) for duct burners used in combined cycle systems, either of the procedures described in paragraph (j)(1) or (2) of this section may be used:

(1) The owner or operator of an affected duct burner shall conduct the performance test required under § 60.8 using the appropriate methods in appendix A of this part. Compliance with the emissions limits under § 60.44Da(a)(1) is determined on the average of three (nominal 1-hour) runs for the initial and subsequent performance tests. During the performance test, one sampling site shall be located in the exhaust of the turbine prior to the duct burner. A second sampling site shall be located at the outlet from the heat recovery steam generating unit. Measurements shall be taken at both sampling sites during the performance test; or

(2) The owner or operator of an affected duct burner may elect to determine compliance by using the CEMS specified under § 60.49Da for measuring NOX and oxygen (O2) (or carbon dioxide (CO2)) and meet the requirements of § 60.49Da. Alternatively, data from a NOX emission rate (i.e., NOX-diluent) CEMS certified according to the provisions of § 75.20(c) of this chapter and appendix A to part 75 of this chapter, and meeting the quality assurance requirements of § 75.21 of this chapter and appendix B to part 75 of this chapter, may be used, with the following caveats. Data used to meet the requirements of § 60.51Da shall not include substitute data values derived from the missing data procedures in subpart D of part 75 of this chapter, nor shall the data have been bias adjusted according to the procedures of part 75 of this chapter. The sampling site shall be located at the outlet from the steam generating unit. The NOX emission rate at the outlet from the steam generating unit shall constitute the NOX emission rate from the duct burner of the combined cycle system.

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