Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

§ 60.59a Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

(a) The owner or operator of an affected facility located at an MWC plant with a capacity greater than 225 megagrams per day (250 tons per day) shall provide notification of intent to construct and of planned initial start-up date and the type(s) of fuels that they plan to combust in the affected facility. The MWC unit capacity and MWC plant capacity and supporting capacity calculations shall be provided at the time of the notification of construction.

(b) The owner or operator of an affected facility located within a small or large MWC plant and subject to the standards under § 60.52a, § 60.53a, § 60.54a, § 60.55a, § 60.56a, or § 60.57a shall maintain records of the following information for each affected facility for a period of at least 2 years:

(1) Calendar date.

(2) The emission rates and parameters measured using CEMS as specified under (b)(2) (i) and (ii) of this section:

(i) The following measurements shall be recorded in computer-readable format and on paper:

(A) All 6-minute average opacity levels required under § 60.58a(b).

(B) All 1 hour average sulfur dioxide emission rates at the inlet and outlet of the acid gas control device if compliance is based on a percent reduction, or at the outlet only if compliance is based on the outlet emission limit, as specified under § 60.58a(e).

(C) All 1-hour average nitrogen oxides emission rates as specified under § 60.58a(g).

(D) All 1-hour average carbon monoxide emission rates, MWC unit load measurements, and particulate matter control device inlet temperatures as specified under § 60.58a(h).

(ii) The following average rates shall be computed and recorded:

(A) All 24-hour daily geometric average percent reductions in sulfur dioxide emissions and all 24-hour daily geometric average sulfur dioxide emission rates as specified under § 60.58a(e).

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