Compliance and performance testing.

§ 60.58a Compliance and performance testing.

(a) The standards under this subpart apply at all times, except during periods of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction; provided, however, that the duration of start-up, shutdown, or malfunction shall not exceed 3 hours per occurrence.

(1) The start-up period commences when the affected facility begins the continuous burning of MSW and does not include any warm-up period when the affected facility is combusting only a fossil fuel or other non-MSW fuel and no MSW is being combusted.

(2) Continuous burning is the continuous, semicontinuous, or batch feeding of MSW for purposes of waste disposal, energy production, or providing heat to the combustion system in preparation for waste disposal or energy production. The use of MSW solely to provide thermal protection of grate or hearth during the start-up period shall not be considered to be continuous burning.

(b) The following procedures and test methods shall be used to determine compliance with the emission limits for particulate matter under § 60.52a:

(1) Method 1 shall be used to select sampling site and number of traverse points.

(2) Method 3 shall be used for gas analysis.

(3) Method 5 shall be used for determining compliance with the particulate matter emission limit. The minimum sample volume shall be 1.7 cubic meters (60 cubic feet). The probe and filter holder heating systems in the sample train shall be set to provide a gas temperature of 160°±14 °Centigrade (320°±25 °Fahrenheit). An oxygen or carbon dioxide measurement shall be obtained simultaneously with each Method 5 run.

(4) For each Method 5 run, the emission rate shall be determined using:

(i) Oxygen or carbon dioxide measurements,

(ii) Dry basis F factor, and

(iii) Dry basis emission rate calculation procedures in Method 19.

(5) An owner or operator may request that compliance be determined using carbon dioxide measurements corrected to an equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. The relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels for the affected facility shall be established during the initial compliance test.

(6) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall conduct an initial compliance test for particulate matter and opacity as required under § 60.8.

(7) Method 9 shall be used for determining compliance with the opacity limit.

(8) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a continuous opacity monitoring system (COMS) and record the output of the system on a 6-minute average basis.

(9) Following the date the initial compliance test for particulate matter is completed or is required to be completed under § 60.8 for an affected facility located within a large MWC plant, the owner or operator shall conduct a performance test for particulate matter on an annual basis (no more than 12 calendar months following the previous compliance test).

(10) [Reserved]

(c) [Reserved]

(d) The following procedures and test methods shall be used to determine compliance with the limits for dioxin/furan emissions under § 60.53a:

(1) Method 23 shall be used for determining compliance with the dioxin/furan emission limits. The minimum sample time shall be 4 hours per test run.

(2) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall conduct an initial compliance test for dioxin/furan emissions as required under § 60.8.

(3) Following the date of the initial compliance test or the date on which the initial compliance test is required to be completed under § 60.8, the owner or operator of an affected facility located within a large MWC plant shall conduct a performance test for dioxin/furan emissions on an annual basis (no more than 12 calendar months following the previous compliance test).

(4) [Reserved]

(5) An owner or operator may request that compliance with the dioxin/furan emissions limit be determined using carbon dioxide measurements corrected to an equivalent of 7 percent oxygen. The relationship between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels for the affected facility shall be established during the initial compliance test.

(e) The following procedures and test methods shall be used for determining compliance with the sulfur dioxide limit under § 60.54a:

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