
§ 61.70 Reporting.


(1) The owner or operator of any source to which this subpart applies shall submit to the Administrator on March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15 of each year a report in writing containing the information required by this section. The first report is to be submitted following the first full 3-month reporting period after the initial report is submitted.

(2) In the case of an existing source, the approved reporting schedule shall be used. In addition, quarterly reports shall be submitted exactly 3 months following the current reporting dates.


(1) In the case of an existing source or a new source which has an initial startup date preceding the effective date, the first report is to be submitted within 180 days of the effective date, unless a waiver of compliance is granted under § 61.11. If a waiver of compliance is granted, the first report is to be submitted on a date scheduled by the Administrator.

(2) In the case of a new source which did not have an initial startup date preceding the effective date, the first report is to be submitted within 180 days of the initial startup date.

(c) Unless otherwise specified, the owner or operator shall use the test methods in appendix B to this part to conduct emission tests as required by paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this section, unless an alternative method has been approved by the Administrator. If the Administrator finds reasonable grounds to dispute the results obtained by an alternative method, he may require the use of a reference method. If the results of the reference and alternative methods do not agree, the results obtained by the reference method prevail, and the Administrator may notify the owner or operator that approval of the method previously considered to be alternative is withdrawn.

(1) The owner or operator shall include in the report a record of the vinyl chloride content of emissions for each 3-hour period during which average emissions are in excess of the emission limits in § 61.62(a) or (b), § 61.63(a), or § 61.64(a)(1), (b), (c), or (d), or during which average emissions are in excess of the emission limits specified for any control system to which reactor emissions are required to be ducted in § 61.64(a)(2) or to which fugitive emissions are required to be ducted in § 61.65(b)(I)(ii), (b)(2), (b)(5), (b)(6)(ii), or (b)(9)(ii). The number of 3-hour periods for which average emissions were determined during the reporting period shall be reported. If emissions in excess of the emission limits are not detected, the report shall contain a statement that no excess emissions have been detected. The emissions are to be determined in accordance with § 61.68(e).

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