Emission standard for ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride plants.

§ 61.65 Emission standard for ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride plants.

An owner or operator of an ethylene dichloride, vinyl chloride, and/or polyvinyl chloride plant shall comply with the requirements of this section.

(a) Relief valve discharge (RVD). Except for an emergency relief discharge, and except as provided in § 61.65(d), there is to be no discharge to the atmosphere from any relief valve on any equipment in vinyl chloride service. An emergency relief discharge means a discharge which could not have been avoided by taking measures to prevent the discharge. Within 10 days of any relief valve discharge, except for those subject to § 61.65(d), the owner or operator of the source from which the relief valve discharge occurs shall submit to the Administrator a report in writing containing information on the source, nature and cause of the discharge, the date and time of the discharge, the approximate total vinyl chloride loss during the discharge, the method used for determining the vinyl chloride loss (the calculation of the vinyl chloride loss), the action that was taken to prevent the discharge, and measures adopted to prevent future discharges.

(b) Fugitive emission sources—(1) Loading and unloading lines. Vinyl chloride emissions from loading and unloading lines in vinyl chloride service which are opened to the atmosphere after each loading or unloading operation are to be minimized as follows:

(i) After each loading or unloading operation and before opening a loading or unloading line to the atmosphere, the quantity of vinyl chloride in all parts of each loading or unloading line that are to be opened to the atmosphere is to be reduced so that the parts combined contain no greater than 0.0038 m (0.13 ft ) of vinyl chloride, at standard temperature and pressure; and

(ii) Any vinyl chloride removed from a loading or unloading line in accordance with paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section is to be ducted through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm (average for 3-hour period), or equivalent as provided in § 61.66.

(2) Slip gauges. During loading or unloading operations, the vinyl chloride emissions from each slip gauge in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized by ducting any vinyl chloride discharged from the slip gauge through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm (average for 3-hour period), or equivalent as provided in § 61.66.

(3) Leakage from pump, compressor, and agitator seals:

(i) Rotating pumps. Vinyl chloride emissions from seals on all rotating pumps in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized by installing sealless pumps, pumps with double mechanical seals or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. If double mechanical seals are used, vinyl chloride emissions from the seals are to be minimized by maintaining the pressure between the two seals so that any leak that occurs is into the pump; by ducting any vinyl chloride between the two seals through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm; or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. Compliance with the provisions of 40 CFR part 61 subpart V demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.

(ii) Reciprocating pumps. Vinyl chloride emissions from seals on all reciprocating pumps in vinyl chloride service are to be minimized by installing double outboard seals, or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. If double outboard seals are used, vinyl chloride emissions from the seals are to be minimized by maintaining the pressure between the two seals so that any leak that occurs is into the pump; by ducting any vinyl chloride between the two seals through a control system from which the concentration of vinyl chloride in the exhaust gases does not exceed 10 ppm; or equivalent as provided in § 61.66. Compliance with the provisions of 40 CFR part 61 subpart V demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.

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