
§ 7.85 Recipients.

(a) Compliance information. Each recipient shall collect, maintain, and on request of the OCR, provide the following information to show compliance with this part:

(1) A brief description of any lawsuits pending against the recipient that allege discrimination which this part prohibits;

(2) Racial/ethnic, national origin, age, sex and handicap data, or EPA Form 4700-4 information submitted with its application;

(3) A log of discrimination complaints which identifies the complaint, the date it was filed, the date the recipient's investigation was completed, the disposition, and the date of disposition; and

(4) Reports of any compliance reviews conducted by any other agencies.

(b) Additional compliance information. If necessary, the OCR may require recipients to submit data and information specific to certain programs or activities to determine compliance where there is reason to believe that discrimination may exist in a program or activity receiving EPA assistance or to investigate a complaint alleging discrimination in a program or activity receiving EPA assistance. Requests shall be limited to data and information which is relevant to determining compliance and shall be accompanied by a written statement summarizing the complaint or setting forth the basis for the belief that discrimination may exist.

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