Post-closure requirements for facilities that obtain enforceable documents in lieu of post-closure permits.

§ 265.121 Post-closure requirements for facilities that obtain enforceable documents in lieu of post-closure permits.

(a) Owners and operators who are subject to the requirement to obtain a post-closure permit under 40 CFR 270.1(c), but who obtain enforceable documents in lieu of post-closure permits, as provided under 40 CFR 270.1(c)(7), must comply with the following requirements:

(1) The requirements to submit information about the facility in 40 CFR 270.28;

(2) The requirements for facility-wide corrective action in § 264.101 of this chapter;

(3) The requirements of 40 CFR 264.91 through 264.100.


(1) The Regional Administrator, in issuing enforceable documents under § 265.121 in lieu of permits, will assure a meaningful opportunity for public involvement which, at a minimum, includes public notice and opportunity for public comment:

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