Post-closure plan; amendment of plan.

§ 265.118 Post-closure plan; amendment of plan.

(a) Written plan. By May 19, 1981, the owner or operator of a hazardous waste disposal unit must have a written post-closure plan. An owner or operator of a surface impoundment or waste pile that intends to remove all hazardous wastes at closure must prepare a post-closure plan and submit it to the Regional Administrator within 90 days of the date that the owner or operator or Regional Administrator determines that the hazardous waste management unit or facility must be closed as a landfill, subject to the requirements of §§ 265.117 through 265.120.

(b) Until final closure of the facility, a copy of the most current post-closure plan must be furnished to the Regional Administrator upon request, including request by mail. In addition, for facilities without approved post-closure plans, it must also be provided during site inspections, on the day of inspection, to any officer, employee or representative of the Agency who is duly designated by the Administrator. After final closure has been certified, the person or office specified in § 265.118(c)(3) must keep the approved post-closure plan during the post-closure period.

(c) For each hazardous waste management unit subject to the requirements of this section, the post-closure plan must identify the activities that will be carried on after closure of each disposal unit and the frequency of these activities, and include at least:

(1) A description of the planned monitoring activities and frequencies at which they will be performed to comply with subparts F, K, L, M, and N of this part during the post-closure care period; and

(2) A description of the planned maintenance activities, and frequencies at which they will be performed, to ensure:

(i) The integrity of the cap and final cover or other containment systems in accordance with the requirements of subparts K, L, M, and N of this part; and

(ii) The function of the monitoring equipment in accordance with the requirements of subparts F, K, L, M, and N of this part; and

(3) The name, address, and phone number of the person or office to contact about the hazardous waste disposal unit or facility during the post-closure care period.

(4) For facilities subject to § 265.121, provisions that satisfy the requirements of § 265.121(a)(1) and (3).

(5) For facilities where the Regional Administrator has applied alternative requirements at a regulated unit under §§ 265.90(f), 265.110(d), and/or 265.140(d), either the alternative requirements that apply to the regulated unit, or a reference to the enforceable document containing those requirements.

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