Personal responsibility education

42 U.S. Code § 713. Personal responsibility education

(a) Allotments to States
(1) Amount
(A) In generalFor the purpose described in subsection (b), subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2023, for the period beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on November 17, 2023, and for the period beginning on November 18, 2023, and ending on January 19, 2024, the Secretary shall allot to each State an amount equal to the product of—
the amount appropriated under subsection (f) for the fiscal year or period and available for allotments to States after the application of subsection (c); and
the State youth population percentage determined under paragraph (2).
(B) Minimum allotment
(i) In general
Each State allotment under this paragraph for a fiscal year shall be at least $250,000. The previous sentence shall not apply with respect to State allotments under this paragraph for the period beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on November 17, 2023, and for the period beginning on November 18, 2023, and ending on January 19, 2024.
(ii) Pro rata adjustments
The Secretary shall adjust on a pro rata basis the amount of the State allotments determined under this paragraph for a fiscal year to the extent necessary to comply with clause (i).
(C) Application required to access allotments
(i) In general
A State shall not be paid from its allotment for a fiscal year or period described in subparagraph (A) unless the State submits an application to the Secretary for the fiscal year or period and the Secretary approves the application (or requires changes to the application that the State satisfies) and meets such additional requirements as the Secretary may specify.
(ii) RequirementsThe State application shall contain an assurance that the State has complied with the requirements of this section in preparing and submitting the application and shall include the following as well as such additional information as the Secretary may require:
Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics, the most recent pregnancy rates for the State for youth ages 10 to 14 and youth ages 15 to 19 for which data are available, the most recent birth rates for such youth populations in the State for which data are available, and trends in those rates for the most recently preceding 5-year period for which such data are available.
State-established goals for reducing the pregnancy rates and birth rates for such youth populations.
A description of the State’s plan for using the State allotments provided under this section to achieve such goals, especially among youth populations that are the most high-risk or vulnerable for pregnancies or otherwise have special circumstances, including youth in foster care, homeless youth, youth with HIV/AIDS, pregnant youth who are under 21 years of age, mothers who are under 21 years of age, and youth residing in areas with high birth rates for youth.
(2) State youth population percentage
(A) In generalFor purposes of paragraph (1)(A)(ii), the State youth population percentage is, with respect to a State, the proportion (expressed as a percentage) of—
the number of individuals who have attained age 10 but not attained age 20 in the State; to
the number of such individuals in all States.
(B) Determination of number of youth
The number of individuals described in clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A) in a State shall be determined on the basis of the most recent Bureau of the Census data.
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