Application for block grant funds

42 U.S. Code § 705. Application for block grant funds

(a) In order to be entitled to payments for allotments under section 702 of this title for a fiscal year, a State must prepare and transmit to the Secretary an application (in a standardized form specified by the Secretary) that—
(1) contains a statewide needs assessment (to be conducted every 5 years) that shall identify (consistent with the health status goals and national health objectives referred to in section 701(a) of this title) the need for—
preventive and primary care services for pregnant women, mothers, and infants up to age one;
preventive and primary care services for children; and
services for children with special health care needs (as specified in section 701(a)(1)(D) of this title);
(2) includes for each fiscal year—
a plan for meeting the needs identified by the statewide needs assessment under paragraph (1); and
(B) a description of how the funds allotted to the State under section 702(c) of this title will be used for the provision and coordination of services to carry out such plan that shall include—
subject to paragraph (3), a statement of the goals and objectives consistent with the health status goals and national health objectives referred to in section 701(a) of this title for meeting the needs specified in the State plan described in subparagraph (A);
an identification of the areas and localities in the State in which services are to be provided and coordinated;
an identification of the types of services to be provided and the categories or characteristics of individuals to be served; and
information the State will collect in order to prepare reports required under section 706(a) of this title;
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