Original identification of plan section.

§ 52.1535 Original identification of plan section.

(a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of New Hampshire” and all revisions submitted by New Hampshire that were federally approved prior to August 18, 2009.

(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 27, 1972.

(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.

(1) Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan correcting minor deficiencies submitted on February 23, 1972, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(2) Non-regulatory provisions for retention and availability of air quality data submitted on March 23, 1972, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(3) Attainment dates of national primary and secondary air quality standards submitted on August 8, 1972, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(4) Revision of regulation No. 5, section 111.A, limiting sulfur content of fuels submitted on September 26, 1972, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(5) Compliance schedules submitted on February 14, 1973, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(6) Compliance schedules submitted on March 22, 1973, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(7) Revision exempting steam locomotives from the plan submitted on April 3, 1973, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(8) Regulation No. 20 requiring review of indirect sources submitted on December 13, 1973, by New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(9) AQMA identification material submitted on May 20, 1974, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(10) Miscellaneous revisions to Regulation numbers, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 17 submitted on June 6, 1974, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(11) Revision to Regulation 18, “Requirements for Recordkeeping at Facilities which Discharge Air Contaminants,” submitted on May 28, 1975, by the New Hampshire Air Pollution Control Agency.

(12) Attainment plans to meet the requirements of Part D for carbon monoxide for Metropolitan Manchester and ozone for AQCR 121, programs for the review of construction and operation of new and modified major stationary sources of pollution in both attainment and non-attainment areas and certain miscellaneous provisions were submitted on May 29, 1979, November 6, 1979, and March 17, 1980.

(13) Attainment plans to meet the requirements of Part D for total suspended particulates and sulfur dioxide in Berlin were submitted by the Governor of New Hampshire on September 19, 1979.

(14) Revisions to Regulation 5, Prevention, Abatement, and Control of Sulfur Emission from Stationary Combustion Equipment, submitted by the Governor of New Hampshire on July 12, 1973 and April 11, 1975.

(15) A plan to provide comprehensive public participation and an analysis of the effects of the New Hampshire 1979 SIP revisions were submitted on February 28, 1980.

(16) Revised regulations to assure reasonable further progress and compliance by owners of proposed new sources with Federal as well as state regulations were submitted on July 8, 1980.

(17) A comprehensive air quality monitoring plan, intended to meet requirements of 40 CFR part 58, was submitted by the New Hampshire Air Resource Agency Director on January 30, 1980.

(18) A plan to attain and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for lead and to amend the state's air quality standards was submitted on April 15, 1980. A letter further explaining the state procedures for review of new major sources of lead emissions and confirming the use of reference methods was submitted on December 9, 1980 by the Director of the Air Resources Agency.

(19) Revisions to meet the requirements of Part D and certain other sections of the Clean Air Act, as amended, for attaining carbon monoxide standards in the City of Manchester which were submitted on January 12, 1981 and February 18, 1981. The revisions supplement the 1979 CO attainment plan (§ 52.1520(c)(12)) and include three air quality-improving transportation projects and a schedule for submitting a plan which will demonstrate attainment by no later than December 31, 1987.

(20) Revisions to meet ozone attainment requirements of Part D (VOC Control Regulations) were submitted on August 17, 1981 and are approved as follows: Regulations Air 1204.03, 1204.11(d), 1204.12, 1204.13, 1204.18 and 1204.21.

(21) Operating permits with compliance schedules for VOC sources were submitted May 2, 1980, May 16, 1980, November 20, 1981 and January 8, 1982. Approved are operating permits for Mobil Oil Corporation; ATC Petroleum, Inc.; Velcro USA, Inc.; and Nashua Corporation's facility at Nashua.

(22) Revisions to (i) provide a new format and renumber the SIP regulations with associated miscellaneous language changes for purposes of consistency; (ii) to delete redundant regulations and definitions; (iii) amend several regulations; and (iv) to add additional regulations submitted by the New Hampshire Air Resources Commission on June 17, 1982 and August 31, 1982. The federally-approved regulations of the New Hampshire SIP are as follows:

• CHAPTER 100, PART Air 101, Sections Air 101.04–101.26, 101.28–101.30, 101.32–101.49, 101.51, 101.53–101.56, 101.58–101.62, 101.64–101.69, 101.74–101.75, 101.77, 101.79–101.89, 101.91–101.96, 101.98.

• CHAPTER Air 200, PART Air 205.

• CHAPTER Air 300, PARTs Air 301–303.

• CHAPTER Air 400, PARTs Air 401; 402, Sections Air 402.01, 402.03, 402.04; PARTs Air 403–405.

• CHAPTER Air 600, PARTs Air 601–616.

• CHAPTER Air 700, PARTs Air 701–706.

• CHAPTER Air 800, PARTs Air 801–802.

• CHAPTER Air 900, PARTs Air 901–903.

• CHAPTER Air 1000, PART Air 1001.

• CHAPTER Air 1200, PART Air 1201, Sections 1201.01–1201.06, 1201.08–1201.11; PARTs Air 1202; 1203; 1204, Sections 1204.01–1204.16, 1204.18–1204.21; PARTs Air 1205; 1207; 1208.

(23) Carbon monoxide attainment plan revisions for the City of Manchester which meet the requirements of Part D of the Act for 1982 SIP revisions. The revisions were submitted on October 5, 1982 and December 20, 1982 by the New Hampshire Air Resources Agency.

(24) A revision specifying the State will follow Federal permit notice and hearing procedures for applications subject to PSD requirements was submitted by the Air Resources Commission on November 19, 1982.

(25) Revisions to the State Implementation Plan for ozone, consisting of emission limits and compliance schedules for Oak Materials Group, Ideal Tape Co., Markem Corp., Essex Group, and Nashua Corp.'s Merrimack Facility, were submitted on December 23, 1982, December 30, 1982, January 19, 1983, and March 18, 1983.

(26) Revisions to CHAPTER Air 400, Section Air 402.02 (formerly Regulation 5). raising the allowable sulfur-in-oil limit for all but ten sources, were submitted by New Hampshire on July 12, 1973, April 11, 1975, December 21, 1982 and March 29, 1983. The excluded sources are:

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