Ongoing review of home infusion therapy accrediting organizations.

§ 488.1030 Ongoing review of home infusion therapy accrediting organizations.

(a) Performance review. CMS evaluates the performance of each CMS-approved home infusion therapy accreditation program on an ongoing basis. This review includes the review of the following:

(1) The home infusion therapy accrediting organization's survey activity.

(2) The home infusion therapy accrediting organization's continued fulfillment of the requirements at §§ 488.1010 and 488.1035.

(b) Comparability review. CMS assesses the equivalency of a home infusion therapy accrediting organization's CMS-approved program requirements with the comparable Medicare home infusion therapy accreditation requirements after CMS imposes new or revised Medicare accreditation requirements. When this occurs, the following takes place:

(1) CMS provides the home infusion therapy accrediting organizations with written notice of the changes to the to the Medicare home infusion therapy accreditation requirements.

(2) The home infusion therapy accrediting organization must make revisions to its home infusion therapy accreditation standards or survey processes which incorporate the new or revised Medicare accreditation requirements.

(3) In the written notice, CMS specifies the deadline (no less than 30 calendar days) by which the home infusion therapy accrediting organization must submit its proposed revised home infusion therapy accreditation standard or survey process revisions, and the timeframe(s) for implementation of these revised home infusion therapy accreditation standards.

(4) CMS may extend the submission deadline by which the accrediting organization must submit its proposed revised home infusion therapy accreditation standards and survey processes, if both of the following occur:

(i) The accrediting organization submits a written request for an extension of the submission deadline.

(ii) The request for extension is submitted prior to the original submission deadline.

(5) After completing the comparability review of the home infusion therapy accrediting organizations revised home infusion therapy accreditation standards and survey processes, CMS shall provide written notification to the home infusion therapy accrediting organization regarding whether or not its home infusion therapy accreditation program, including the proposed revised home infusion therapy accreditation standards and implementation timeframe(s), continues to meet or exceed all applicable Medicare requirements.

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