Application and reapplication procedures for national home infusion therapy accrediting organizations.

§ 488.1010 Application and reapplication procedures for national home infusion therapy accrediting organizations.

(a) Information submitted with application. A national home infusion therapy accrediting organization applying to CMS for approval or re-approval of a designated home infusion therapy accreditation program must furnish CMS with information and materials that demonstrate that its home infusion therapy accreditation program requirements meet or exceed the applicable Medicare requirements for accrediting organizations, including the following:

(1) Documentation that demonstrates the organization meets the definition of a national accrediting organization under § 488.1005 as it relates to the accreditation program.

(2) The Medicare provider or supplier type for which the organization is requesting approval or reapproval.

(3) Documentation that demonstrates the home infusion therapy accrediting organization's ability to take into account the capacities of rural home infusion therapy suppliers (as required by section 1834(u)(5)(A)(ii) of the Act).

(4) Information that demonstrates the home infusion therapy accrediting organization's knowledge, expertise, and experience in home infusion therapy.

(5) A detailed crosswalk (in table format) that identifies, for each of the applicable Medicare requirements, the exact language of the organization's comparable accreditation requirements and standards.

(6) A detailed description of the home infusion therapy accrediting organization's survey processes to confirm that a home infusion therapy supplier's processes are comparable to those of Medicare. This description must include all of the following:

(i) The types and frequency of surveys performed, and a rationale for which accreditation requirements will be evaluated via onsite surveys and which will be evaluated via offsite audits, or other strategies for ensuring accredited home infusion therapy suppliers maintain adherence to the home infusion therapy accreditation program requirements, including an explanation of how the accrediting organization will maintain the schedule it proposes.

(ii) Copies of the home infusion therapy accrediting organizations survey and audit forms, guidelines, and instructions to surveyors.

(iii) Documentation demonstrating that the home infusion therapy accrediting organization's onsite survey or offsite audit reports identify, for each finding of non-compliance with accreditation standards, the comparable Medicare home infusion therapy accreditation requirements, as applicable.

(iv) A description of the home infusion therapy accrediting organization's accreditation survey review process.

(v) A description of the home infusion therapy accrediting organization's procedures and timelines for notifying a surveyed or audited home infusion therapy supplier of non-compliance with the home infusion therapy accreditation program's standards.

(vi) A description of the home infusion therapy accrediting organization's procedures and timelines for monitoring the home infusion therapy supplier's correction of identified non-compliance with the accreditation program's standards.

(vii) The ability of the home infusion therapy accrediting organization to conduct timely reviews of accreditation applications.

(viii) A statement acknowledging that, as a condition for CMS approval of a national accrediting organization's accreditation program, the home infusion therapy accrediting organization agrees to provide CMS with information extracted from each home infusion therapy accreditation onsite survey, offsite audit or other evaluation strategies as part of its data submissions required under paragraph (a)(19) of this section, and, upon request from CMS, a copy of the most recent accreditation onsite survey, offsite audit, or other evaluation strategy together with any other information related to the survey as CMS may require (including corrective action plans).

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