Notification of or access to records.

§ 5b.5 Notification of or access to records.

(a) Times, places, and manner of requesting notification of or access to a record. (1) Subject to the provisions governing medical records in § 5b.6 of this part, any individual may request notification of a record. He may at the same time request access to any record pertaining to him. An individual may be accompanied by another individual of his choice when he requests access to a record in person; Provided, That he affirmatively authorizes the presence of such other individual during any discussion of a record to which access is requested.

(2) An individual making a request for notification of or access to a record shall address his request to the responsible Department official and shall verify his identity when required in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section. At the time the request is made, the individual shall specify which systems of records he wishes to have searched and the records to which he wishes to have access. He may also request that copies be made of all or any such records. An individual shall also provide the responsible Department official with sufficient particulars to enable such official to distinguish between records on subject individuals with the same name. The necessary particulars are set forth in the notices of systems of records.

(3) An individual who makes a request in person may leave with any responsible Department official a request for notification of or access to a record under the control of another responsible Department official; Provided, That the request is addressed in writing to the appropriate responsible Department official.

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