Disclosure of records.

§ 5b.9 Disclosure of records.

(a) Consent to disclosure by a subject individual. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section authorizing disclosures of records without consent, no disclosure of a record will be made without the consent of the subject individual. In each case the consent, whether obtained from the subject individual at the request of the Department or whether provided to the Department by the subject individual on his own initiative, shall be in writing. The consent shall specify the individual, organizational unit or class of individuals or organizational units to whom the record may be disclosed, which record may be disclosed and, where applicable, during which time frame the record may be disclosed (e.g., during the school year, while the subject individual is out of the country, whenever the subject individual is receiving specific services). A blanket consent to disclose all of a subject individual's records to unspecified individuals or organizational units will not be honored. The subject individual's identity and, where applicable (e.g., where a subject individual gives consent to disclosure of a record to a specific individual), the identity of the individual to whom the record is to be disclosed shall be verified.

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