National Engineering Biology Research and Development Initiative

42 U.S. Code § 19132. National Engineering Biology Research and Development Initiative

(a) In generalThe President, acting through the Office of Science and Technology Policy, shall implement a National Engineering Biology Research and Development Initiative to advance societal well-being, national security, sustainability, and economic productivity and competitiveness through the following:
Advancing areas of research at the intersection of the biological, physical, chemical, data, and computational and information sciences and engineering to accelerate scientific understanding and technological innovation in engineering biology.
Advancing areas of biomanufacturing research to optimize, standardize, scale, and deliver new products and solutions.
Supporting social and behavioral sciences and economics research that advances the field of engineering biology and contributes to the development and public understanding of new products, processes, and technologies.
Improving the understanding of engineering biology of the scientific and lay public and supporting greater evidence-based public discourse about its benefits and risks.
Supporting research relating to the risks and benefits of engineering biology, including under subsection (d).
Supporting the development of novel tools and technologies to accelerate scientific understanding and technological innovation in engineering biology.
Expanding the number of researchers, educators, and students and a retooled workforce with engineering biology training, including from traditionally underrepresented and underserved populations.
Accelerating the translation and commercialization of engineering biology and biomanufacturing research and development by the private sector.
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