Agency activities

42 U.S. Code § 19135. Agency activities

(a) National Science FoundationAs part of the Initiative, the National Science Foundation shall carry out the following:
Support research in engineering biology and biomanufacturing through individual grants, collaborative grants, and through interdisciplinary research centers.
Support research on the environmental, legal, ethical, and social implications of engineering biology.
Provide support for research instrumentation, equipment, and cyberinfrastructure for engineering biology disciplines, including support for research, development, optimization, and validation of novel technologies to enable the dynamic study of molecular processes in situ.
Support curriculum development and research experiences for secondary, undergraduate, and graduate students in engineering biology and biomanufacturing, including through support for graduate fellowships and traineeships in engineering biology.
Award grants, on a competitive basis, to enable institutions to support graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who perform some of their engineering biology research in an industry setting.
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