Monitoring plan.

§ 75.53 Monitoring plan.

(a) General provisions. (1) The provisions of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section shall be met through December 31, 2008. The owner or operator shall meet the requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), (e), and (f) of this section through December 31, 2008, except as otherwise provided in paragraph (g) of this section. On and after January 1, 2009, the owner or operator shall meet the requirements of paragraphs (a), (b), (g), and (h) of this section only. In addition, the provisions in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section that support a regulatory option provided in another section of this part must be followed if the regulatory option is used prior to January 1, 2009.

(2) The owner or operator of an affected unit shall prepare and maintain a monitoring plan. Except as provided in paragraphs (f) or (h) of this section (as applicable), a monitoring plan shall contain sufficient information on the continuous emission or opacity monitoring systems, excepted methodology under § 75.19, or excepted monitoring systems under appendix D or E to this part and the use of data derived from these systems to demonstrate that all unit SO2 emissions, NOX emissions, CO2 emissions, and opacity are monitored and reported.

(b) Whenever the owner or operator makes a replacement, modification, or change in the certified CEMS, continuous opacity monitoring system, excepted methodology under § 75.19, excepted monitoring system under appendix D or E to this part, or alternative monitoring system under subpart E of this part, including a change in the automated data acquisition and handling system or in the flue gas handling system, that affects information reported in the monitoring plan (e.g., a change to a serial number for a component of a monitoring system), then the owner or operator shall update the monitoring plan, by the applicable deadline specified in § 75.62 or elsewhere in this part.

(c)-(d) [Reserved]

(e) Contents of the monitoring plan. Each monitoring plan shall contain the information in paragraph (e)(1) of this section in electronic format and the information in paragraph (e)(2) of this section in hardcopy format. Electronic storage of all monitoring plan information, including the hardcopy portions, is permissible provided that a paper copy of the information can be furnished upon request for audit purposes.

(1) Electronic. (i) ORISPL numbers developed by the Department of Energy and used in the National Allowance Data Base (or equivalent facility ID number assigned by EPA, if the facility does not have an ORSPL number), for all affected units involved in the monitoring plan, with the following information for each unit:

(A) Short name;

(B) Classification of the unit as one of the following: Phase I (including substitution or compensating units), Phase II, new, or nonaffected;

(C) Type of boiler (or boilers for a group of units using a common stack);

(D) Type of fuel(s) fired by boiler, fuel type start and end dates, primary/secondary/emergency/startup fuel indicator, and, if more than one fuel, the fuel classification of the boiler;

(E) Type(s) of emission controls for SO2, NOX, and particulates installed or to be installed, including specifications of whether such controls are pre-combustion, post-combustion, or integral to the combustion process; control equipment code, installation date, and optimization date; control equipment retirement date (if applicable); primary/secondary controls indicator; and an indicator for whether the controls are an original installation;

(F) Maximum hourly heat input capacity;

(G) Date of first commercial operation;

(H) Unit retirement date (if applicable);

(I) Maximum hourly gross load (in MW, rounded to the nearest MW, or steam load in 1000 lb/hr, rounded to the nearest 100 lb/hr);

(J) Identification of all units using a common stack;

(K) Activation date for the stack/pipe;

(L) Retirement date of the stack/pipe (if applicable); and

(M) Indicator of whether the stack is a bypass stack.

(ii) For each unit and parameter required to be monitored, identification of monitoring methodology information, consisting of monitoring methodology, type of fuel associated with the methodology, primary/secondary methodology indicator, missing data approach for the methodology, methodology start date, and methodology end date (if applicable).

(iii) The following information:

(A) Program(s) for which the EDR is submitted;

(B) Unit classification;

(C) Reporting frequency;

(D) Program participation date;

(E) State regulation code (if applicable); and

(F) State or local regulatory agency code.

(iv) Identification and description of each monitoring system component (including each monitor and its identifiable components, such as analyzer and/or probe) in the CEMS (e.g., SO2 pollutant concentration monitor, flow monitor, moisture monitor; NOX pollutant concentration monitor, and diluent gas monitor), the continuous opacity monitoring system, or the excepted monitoring system (e.g., fuel flowmeter, data acquisition and handling system), including:

(A) Manufacturer, model number and serial number;

(B) Component/system identification code assigned by the utility to each identifiable monitoring component (such as the analyzer and/or probe). Each code shall use a three-digit format, unique to each monitoring component and unique to each monitoring system;

(C) Designation of the component type and method of sample acquisition or operation, (e.g., in situ pollutant concentration monitor or thermal flow monitor);

(D) Designation of the system as a primary, redundant backup, non-redundant backup, data backup, or reference method backup system, as provided in § 75.10(e);

(E) First and last dates the system reported data;

(F) Status of the monitoring component; and

(G) Parameter monitored.

(v) Identification and description of all major hardware and software components of the automated data acquisition and handling system, including:

(A) Hardware components that perform emission calculations or store data for quarterly reporting purposes (provide the manufacturer and model number); and

(B) Software components (provide the identification of the provider and model/version number).

(vi) Explicit formulas for each measured emission parameter, using component/system identification codes for the primary system used to measure the parameter that links CEMS or excepted monitoring system observations with reported concentrations, mass emissions, or emission rates, according to the conversions listed in appendix D or E to this part. Formulas for backup monitoring systems are required only if different formulas for the same parameter are used for the primary and backup monitoring systems (e.g., if the primary system measures pollutant concentration on a different moisture basis from the backup system). The formulas must contain all constants and factors required to derive mass emissions or emission rates from component/system code observations and an indication of whether the formula is being added, corrected, deleted, or is unchanged. Each emissions formula is identified with a unique three digit code. The owner or operator of a low mass emissions unit for which the owner or operator is using the optional low mass emissions excepted methodology in § 75.19(c) is not required to report such formulas.

(vii) Inside cross-sectional area (ft ) at flue exit (for all units) and at flow monitoring location (for units with flow monitors, only).

(viii) Stack exit height (ft) above ground level and ground level elevation above sea level.

(ix) Monitoring location identification, facility identification code as assigned by the Administrator for use under the Acid Rain Program or this part, and the following information, as reported to the Energy Information Administration (EIA): facility identification number, flue identification number, boiler identification number, ARP/Subpart H facility ID number or ORISPL number (as applicable), reporting year, and 767 reporting indicator (or equivalent).

(x) For each parameter monitored: Scale, maximum potential concentration (and method of calculation), maximum expected concentration (if applicable) (and method of calculation), maximum potential flow rate (and method of calculation), maximum potential NOX emission rate, span value, full-scale range, daily calibration units of measure, span effective date/hour, span inactivation date/hour, indication of whether dual spans are required, default high range value, flow rate span, and flow rate span value and full scale value (in scfh) for each unit or stack using SO2, NOX, CO2, O2, or flow component monitors.

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