Certification, quality assurance, and quality control record provisions.

§ 75.59 Certification, quality assurance, and quality control record provisions.

The owner or operator shall meet all of the applicable recordkeeping requirements of this section.

(a) Continuous emission or opacity monitoring systems. The owner or operator shall record the applicable information in this section for each certified monitor or certified monitoring system (including certified backup monitors) measuring and recording emissions or flow from an affected unit.

(1) For each SO2 or NOX pollutant concentration monitor, flow monitor, CO2 emissions concentration monitor (including O2 monitors used to determine CO2 emissions), or diluent gas monitor (including wet- and dry-basis O2 monitors used to determine percent moisture), the owner or operator shall record the following for all daily and 7-day calibration error tests, and all off-line calibration demonstrations, including any follow-up tests after corrective action:

(i) Component-system identification code (on and after January 1, 2009, only the component identification code is required);

(ii) Instrument span and span scale;

(iii) On and after April 27, 2011, date, hour, and minute;

(iv) Reference value (i.e., calibration gas concentration or reference signal value, in ppm or other appropriate units);

(v) Observed value (monitor response during calibration, in ppm or other appropriate units);

(vi) Percent calibration error (rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent) (flag if using alternative performance specification for low emitters or differential pressure flow monitors);

(vii) Reference signal or calibration gas level;

(viii) For 7-day calibration error tests, a test number and reason for test;

(ix) For 7-day calibration tests for certification or recertification, a certification from the cylinder gas vendor or CEMS vendor that calibration gas, as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter and appendix A to this part, was used to conduct calibration error testing;

(x) Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance prior to a passed test or following a failed test; and

(xi) Indication of whether the unit is off-line or on-line.

(2) For each flow monitor, the owner or operator shall record the following for all daily interference checks, including any follow-up tests after corrective action.

(i) Component-system identification code (after January 1, 2009, only the component identification code is required);

(ii) Date and hour;

(iii) Code indicating whether monitor passes or fails the interference check; and

(iv) Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance prior to a passed test or following a failed test.

(3) For each SO2 or NOX pollutant concentration monitor, CO2 emissions concentration monitor (including O2 monitors used to determine CO2 emissions), or diluent gas monitor (including wet- and dry-basis O2 monitors used to determine percent moisture), the owner or operator shall record the following for the initial and all subsequent linearity check(s), including any follow-up tests after corrective action.

(i) Component-system identification code (on and after January 1, 2009, only the component identification code is required);

(ii) Instrument span and span scale (only span scale is required on and after January 1, 2009);

(iii) Calibration gas level;

(iv) Date and time (hour and minute) of each gas injection at each calibration gas level;

(v) Reference value (i.e., reference gas concentration for each gas injection at each calibration gas level, in ppm or other appropriate units);

(vi) Observed value (monitor response to each reference gas injection at each calibration gas level, in ppm or other appropriate units);

(vii) Mean of reference values and mean of measured values at each calibration gas level;

(viii) Linearity error at each of the reference gas concentrations (rounded to nearest tenth of a percent) (flag if using alternative performance specification);

(ix) Test number and reason for test (flag if aborted test); and

(x) Description of any adjustments, corrective action, or maintenance prior to a passed test or following a failed test.

(4) For each differential pressure type flow monitor, the owner or operator shall record items in paragraphs (a)(4) (i) through (v) of this section, for all quarterly leak checks, including any follow-up tests after corrective action. For each flow monitor, the owner or operator shall record items in paragraphs (a)(4) (vi) and (vii) for all flow-to-load ratio and gross heat rate tests:

(i) Component-system identification code (on and after January 1, 2009, only the system identification code is required).

(ii) Date and hour.

(iii) Reason for test.

(iv) Code indicating whether monitor passes or fails the quarterly leak check.

(v) Description of any adjustments, corrective actions, or maintenance prior to a passed test or following a failed test.

(vi) Test data from the flow-to-load ratio or gross heat rate (GHR) evaluation, including:

(A) Monitoring system identification code;

(B) Calendar year and quarter;

(C) Indication of whether the test is a flow-to-load ratio or gross heat rate evaluation;

(D) Indication of whether bias adjusted flow rates were used;

(E) Average absolute percent difference between reference ratio (or GHR) and hourly ratios (or GHR values);

(F) Test result;

(G) Number of hours used in final quarterly average;

(H) Number of hours exempted for use of a different fuel type;

(I) Number of hours exempted for load ramping up or down;

(J) Number of hours exempted for scrubber bypass;

(K) Number of hours exempted for hours preceding a normal-load flow RATA;

(L) Number of hours exempted for hours preceding a successful diagnostic test, following a documented monitor repair or major component replacement;

(M) Number of hours excluded for flue gases discharging simultaneously thorough a main stack and a bypass stack; and

(N) Test number.

(vii) Reference data for the flow-to-load ratio or gross heat rate evaluation, including (as applicable):

(A) Reference flow RATA end date and time;

(B) Test number of the reference RATA;

(C) Reference RATA load and load level;

(D) Average reference method flow rate during reference flow RATA;

(E) Reference flow/load ratio;

(F) Average reference method diluent gas concentration during flow RATA and diluent gas units of measure;

(G) Fuel specific Fd -or Fc-factor during flow RATA and F-factor units of measure;

(H) Reference gross heat rate value;

(I) Monitoring system identification code;

(J) Average hourly heat input rate during RATA;

(K) Average gross unit load;

(L) Operating load level; and

(M) An indicator (“flag”) if separate reference ratios are calculated for each multiple stack.

(5) For each SO2 pollutant concentration monitor, flow monitor, each CO2 emissions concentration monitor (including any O2 concentration monitor used to determine CO2 mass emissions or heat input), each NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system, each NOX concentration monitoring system, each diluent gas (O2 or CO2) monitor used to determine heat input, each moisture monitoring system, and each approved alternative monitoring system, the owner or operator shall record the following information for the initial and all subsequent relative accuracy test audits:

(i) Reference method(s) used.

(ii) Individual test run data from the relative accuracy test audit for the SO2 concentration monitor, flow monitor, CO2 emissions concentration monitor, NOX-diluent continuous emission monitoring system, diluent gas (O2 or CO2) monitor used to determine heat input, NOX concentration monitoring system, moisture monitoring system, or approved alternative monitoring system, including:

(A) Date, hour, and minute of beginning of test run;

(B) Date, hour, and minute of end of test run;

(C) Monitoring system identification code;

(D) Test number and reason for test;

(E) Operating level (low, mid, high, or normal, as appropriate) and number of operating levels comprising test;

(F) Normal load (or operating level) indicator for flow RATAs (except for peaking units);

(G) Units of measure;

(H) Run number;

(I) Run value from CEMS being tested, in the appropriate units of measure;

(J) Run value from reference method, in the appropriate units of measure;

(K) Flag value (0, 1, or 9, as appropriate) indicating whether run has been used in calculating relative accuracy and bias values or whether the test was aborted prior to completion;

(L) Average gross unit load, expressed as a total gross unit load, rounded to the nearest MWe, or as steam load, rounded to the nearest thousand lb/hr; on and after April 27, 2011, for units that do not produce electrical or thermal output, record, instead, the average stack gas velocity at the operating level being tested; and

(M) Flag to indicate whether an alternative performance specification has been used.

(iii) Calculations and tabulated results, as follows:

(A) Arithmetic mean of the monitoring system measurement values, of the reference method values, and of their differences, as specified in Equation A-7 in appendix A to this part;

(B) Standard deviation, as specified in Equation A-8 in appendix A to this part;

(C) Confidence coefficient, as specified in Equation A-9 in appendix A to this part;

(D) Statistical “t” value used in calculations;

(E) Relative accuracy test results, as specified in Equation A-10 in appendix A to this part. For multi-level flow monitor tests the relative accuracy test results shall be recorded at each load (or operating) level tested. Each load (or operating) level shall be expressed as a total gross unit load, rounded to the nearest MWe, or as steam load, rounded to the nearest thousand lb/hr, or as otherwise specified by the Administrator, for units that do not produce electrical or thermal output;

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