Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.

§ 98.474 Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.

(a) CO2received. (1) You must determine the quarterly flow rate of CO2 received by pipeline by following the most appropriate of the following procedures:

(i) You may measure flow rate at the receiving custody transfer meter prior to any subsequent processing operations at the facility and collect the flow rate quarterly.

(ii) If you took ownership of the CO2 in a commercial transaction, you may use the quarterly flow rate data from the sales contract if it is a one-time transaction or from invoices or manifests if it is an ongoing commercial transaction with discrete shipments.

(iii) If you inject CO2 from a production process unit that is part of your facility, you may use the quarterly CO2 flow rate that was measured at the equivalent of a custody transfer meter following procedures provided in subpart PP of this part. To be the equivalent of a custody transfer meter, a meter must measure the flow of CO2 being transported to an injection well to the same degree of accuracy as a meter used for commercial transactions.

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