Calculating CO2 received.

§ 98.473 Calculating CO2 received.

(a) You must calculate and report the annual mass of CO2 received by pipeline using the procedures in paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section and the procedures in paragraph (a)(3) of this section, if applicable.

(1) For a mass flow meter, you must calculate the total annual mass of CO2 in a CO2 stream received in metric tons by multiplying the mass flow by the CO2 concentration in the flow, according to Equation UU-1 of this section. You must collect these data quarterly. Mass flow and concentration data measurements must be made in accordance with § 98.474.



CO2T,r = Net annual mass of CO2 received through flow meter r (metric tons). Qr,p = Quarterly mass flow through a receiving flow meter r in quarter p (metric tons). Sr,p = Quarterly mass flow through a receiving flow meter r that is redelivered to another facility without being injected into your well in quarter p (metric tons). CCO2,p,r = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement in flow for flow meter r in quarter p (wt. percent CO2, expressed as a decimal fraction). p = Quarter of the year. r = Receiving flow meter.
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