Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.

§ 98.34 Monitoring and QA/QC requirements.

The CO2 mass emissions data for stationary fuel combustion sources shall be monitored as follows:

(a) For the Tier 2 Calculation Methodology:

(1) All fuel samples shall be taken at a location in the fuel handling system that provides a sample representative of the fuel combusted. The fuel sampling and analysis may be performed by either the owner or operator or the supplier of the fuel.

(2) The minimum required frequency of the HHV sampling and analysis for each type of fuel or fuel mixture (blend) is specified in this paragraph. When the specified frequency for a particular fuel or blend is based on a specified time period (e.g., week, month, quarter, or half-year), fuel sampling and analysis is required only for those time periods in which the fuel or blend is combusted. The owner or operator may perform fuel sampling and analysis more often than the minimum required frequency, in order to obtain a more representative annual average HHV.

(i) For natural gas, semiannual sampling and analysis is required (i.e., twice in a calendar year, with consecutive samples taken at least four months apart).

(ii) For coal and fuel oil, and for any other solid or liquid fuel that is delivered in lots, analysis of at least one representative sample from each fuel lot is required. For fuel oil, as an alternative to sampling each fuel lot, a sample may be taken upon each addition of oil to the unit's storage tank. Flow proportional sampling, continuous drip sampling, or daily manual oil sampling may also be used, in lieu of sampling each fuel lot. If the daily manual oil sampling option is selected, sampling from a particular tank is required only on days when oil from the tank is combusted by the unit (or units) served by the tank. If you elect to sample from the storage tank upon each addition of oil to the tank, you must take at least one sample from each tank that is currently in service and whenever oil is added to the tank, for as long as the tank remains in service. You need not take any samples from a storage tank while it is out of service. Rather, take a sample when the tank is brought into service and whenever oil is added to the tank, for as long as the tank remains in service. If multiple additions of oil are made to a particular in-service tank on a given day (e.g., from multiple deliveries), one sample taken after the final addition of oil is sufficient. For the purposes of this section, a fuel lot is defined as a shipment or delivery of a single type of fuel (e.g., ship load, barge load, group of trucks, group of railroad cars, oil delivery via pipeline from a tank farm, etc.). However, if multiple deliveries of a particular type of fuel are received from the same supply source in a given calendar month, the deliveries for that month may be considered, collectively, to comprise a fuel lot, requiring only one representative sample, subject to the following conditions:

(A) For coal, the “type” of fuel means the rank of the coal (i.e., anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, or lignite). For fuel oil, the “type” of fuel means the grade number or classification of the oil (e.g., No. 1 oil, No. 2 oil, kerosene, Jet A fuel, etc.).

(B) The owner or operator shall document in the monitoring plan under § 98.3(g)(5) how the monthly sampling of each type of fuel is performed.

(iii) For liquid fuels other than fuel oil, and for gaseous fuels other than natural gas (including biogas), sampling and analysis is required at least once per calendar quarter. To the extent practicable, consecutive quarterly samples shall be taken at least 30 days apart.

(iv) For other solid fuels (except MSW), weekly sampling is required to obtain composite samples, which are then analyzed monthly.

(v) For fuel blends that are received already mixed, or that are mixed on-site without measuring the exact amount of each component, as described in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, determine the HHV of the blend as follows. For blends of solid fuels (except MSW), weekly sampling is required to obtain composite samples, which are analyzed monthly. For blends of liquid or gaseous fuels, sampling and analysis is required at least once per calendar quarter. More frequent sampling is recommended if the composition of the blend varies significantly during the year.

(3) Special considerations for blending of fuels. In situations where different types of fuel listed in Table C-1 of this subpart (for example, different ranks of coal or different grades of fuel oil) are in the same state of matter (i.e., solid, liquid, or gas), and are blended prior to combustion, use the following procedures to determine the appropriate CO2 emission factor and HHV for the blend.

(i) If the fuels to be blended are received separately, and if the quantity (mass or volume) of each fuel is measured before the fuels are mixed and combusted, then, for each component of the blend, calculate the CO2 mass emissions separately. Substitute into Equation C-2a of this subpart the total measured mass or volume of the component fuel (from company records), together with the appropriate default CO2 emission factor from Table C-1, and the annual average HHV, calculated according to § 98.33(a)(2)(ii). In this case, the fact that the fuels are blended prior to combustion is of no consequence.

(ii) If the fuel is received as a blend (i.e., already mixed) or if the components are mixed on site without precisely measuring the mass or volume of each one individually, a reasonable estimate of the relative proportions of the components of the blend must be made, using the best available information (e.g., the approximate annual average mass or volume percentage of each fuel, based on the typical or expected range of values). Determine the appropriate CO2 emission factor and HHV for use in Equation C-2a of this subpart, as follows:

(A) Consider the blend to be the “fuel type,” measure its HHV at the frequency prescribed in paragraph (a)(2)(v) of this section, and determine the annual average HHV value for the blend according to § 98.33(a)(2)(ii).

(B) Calculate a heat-weighted CO2 emission factor, (EF)B, for the blend, using Equation C-16 of this section. The heat-weighting in Equation C-16 is provided by the default HHVs (from Table C-1) and the estimated mass or volume percentages of the components of the blend.

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