Data reporting requirements.

§ 98.36 Data reporting requirements.

(a) In addition to the facility-level information required under § 98.3, the annual GHG emissions report shall contain the unit-level or process-level data specified in paragraphs (b) through (f) of this section, as applicable, for each stationary fuel combustion source (e.g., individual unit, aggregation of units, common pipe, or common stack) except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (a). For the data specified in paragraphs (b)(9)(iii), (c)(2)(ix), (e)(2)(i), (e)(2)(ii)(A), (e)(2)(ii)(C), (e)(2)(ii)(D), (e)(2)(iv)(A), (e)(2)(iv)(C), (e)(2)(iv)(F), and (e)(2)(ix)(D) through (F) of this section, the owner or operator of a stationary fuel combustion source that does not meet the criteria specified in paragraph (f) of this section may elect either to report the data specified in this sentence in the annual report or to use verification software according to § 98.5(b) in lieu of reporting these data. If you elect to use this verification software, you must use the verification software according to § 98.5(b) for all of these data that apply to the stationary fuel combustion source.

(b) Units that use the four tiers. You shall report the following information for stationary combustion units that use the Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, or Tier 4 methodology in § 98.33(a) to calculate CO2 emissions, except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section:

(1) The unit ID number.

(2) A code representing the type of unit.

(3) Maximum rated heat input capacity of the unit, in mmBtu/hr.

(4) Each type of fuel combusted in the unit during the report year.

(5) The methodology (i.e., tier) used to calculate the CO2 emissions for each type of fuel combusted (i.e., Tier 1, 2, 3, or 4).

(6) The methodology start date, for each fuel type.

(7) The methodology end date, for each fuel type.

(8) For a unit that uses Tiers 1, 2, or 3:

(i) The annual CO2 mass emissions (including biogenic CO2), and the annual CH4, and N2O mass emissions for each type of fuel combusted during the reporting year, expressed in metric tons of each gas and in metric tons of CO2e; and

(ii) Metric tons of biogenic CO2 emissions (if applicable).

(9) For a unit that uses Tier 4:

(i) If the total annual CO2 mass emissions measured by the CEMS consists entirely of non-biogenic CO2 (i.e., CO2 from fossil fuel combustion plus, if applicable, CO2 from sorbent and/or process CO2), report the total annual CO2 mass emissions, expressed in metric tons. You are not required to report the combustion CO2 emissions by fuel type.

(ii) Report the total annual CO2 mass emissions measured by the CEMS. If this total includes both biogenic and non-biogenic CO2, separately report the annual non-biogenic CO2 mass emissions and the annual CO2 mass emissions from biomass combustion, each expressed in metric tons. You are not required to report the combustion CO2 emissions by fuel type.

(iii) An estimate of the heat input from each type of fuel listed in Table C-2 of this subpart that was combusted in the unit during the report year.

(iv) The annual CH4 and N2O emissions for each type of fuel listed in Table C-2 of this subpart that was combusted in the unit during the report year, expressed in metric tons of each gas and in metric tons of CO2e.

(10) Annual CO2 emissions from sorbent (if calculated using Equation C-11 of this subpart), expressed in metric tons.

(11) If applicable, the plant code (as defined in § 98.6).

(c) Reporting alternatives for units using the four Tiers. You may use any of the applicable reporting alternatives of this paragraph to simplify the unit-level reporting required under paragraph (b) of this section:

(1) Aggregation of units. If a facility contains two or more units (e.g., boilers or combustion turbines), each of which has a maximum rated heat input capacity of 250 mmBtu/hr or less, you may report the combined GHG emissions for the group of units in lieu of reporting GHG emissions from the individual units, provided that the use of Tier 4 is not required or elected for any of the units and the units use the same tier for any common fuels combusted. If this option is selected, the following information shall be reported instead of the information in paragraph (b) of this section:

(i) Group ID number, beginning with the prefix “GP”.

(ii) [Reserved]

(iii) Cumulative maximum rated heat input capacity of the group (mmBtu/hr). The cumulative maximum rated heat input capacity shall be determined as the sum of the maximum rated heat input capacities for all units in the group, excluding units less than 10 (mmBtu/hr).

(iv) The highest maximum rated heat input capacity of any unit in the group (mmBtu/hr).

(v) Each type of fuel combusted in the group of units during the reporting year.

(vi) Annual CO2 mass emissions and annual CH4, and N2O mass emissions, aggregated for each type of fuel combusted in the group of units during the report year, expressed in metric tons of each gas and in metric tons of CO2e. If any of the units burn both fossil fuels and biomass, report also the annual CO2 emissions from combustion of all fossil fuels combined and annual CO2 emissions from combustion of all biomass fuels combined, expressed in metric tons.

(vii) The methodology (i.e., tier) used to calculate the CO2 mass emissions for each type of fuel combusted in the units (i.e., Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3).

(viii) The methodology start date, for each fuel type.

(ix) The methodology end date, for each fuel type.

(x) The calculated CO2 mass emissions (if any) from sorbent expressed in metric tons.

(xi) If applicable, the plant code (as defined in § 98.6).

(2) Monitored common stack or duct configurations. When the flue gases from two or more stationary fuel combustion units at a facility are combined together in a common stack or duct before exiting to the atmosphere and if CEMS are used to continuously monitor CO2 mass emissions at the common stack or duct according to the Tier 4 Calculation Methodology, you may report the combined emissions from the units sharing the common stack or duct, in lieu of separately reporting the GHG emissions from the individual units. This monitoring and reporting alternative may also be used when process off-gases or a mixture of combustion products and process gases are combined together in a common stack or duct before exiting to the atmosphere. Whenever the common stack or duct monitoring option is applied, the following information shall be reported instead of the information in paragraph (b) of this section:

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