Mandatory computerized support enforcement systems.

§ 307.5 Mandatory computerized support enforcement systems.

(a) Basic requirement. (1) By October 1, 1997, each State must have in effect an operational computerized support enforcement system, which meets Federal requirements under § 302.85(a)(1) of this chapter, OCSE will review each system to certify that these requirements are met; and

(2) By October 1, 2000, each State must have in effect an operational computerized support enforcement system, which meets Federal requirements under § 302.85(a)(2) of this chapter. OCSE will review each system to certify that these requirements are met.

(b) Waiver option. A State may apply for a waiver of any functional requirement in § 307.10, or § 307.11 by presenting a plan for an alternative system configuration, or a waiver of any conditions for APD approval in § 307.15(b) by presenting an alternative approach. Waiver requests must be submitted and approved as part of the State's APD or APD update.

(c) Conditions for waiver. The Secretary may grant a State a waiver if:

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