Functional requirements for computerized support enforcement systems in operation by October 1, 2000.

§ 307.11 Functional requirements for computerized support enforcement systems in operation by October 1, 2000.

At a minimum, each State's computerized support enforcement system established and operated under the title IV-D State plan at § 302.85(a)(2) of this chapter must:

(a) Be planned, designed, developed, installed or enhanced, and operated in accordance with an initial and annually updated APD approved under § 307.15 of this part;

(b) Control, account for, and monitor all the factors in the support collection and paternity determination processes under the State plan. At a minimum, this includes the following:

(1) The activities described in § 307.10, except paragraphs (b)(3), (8) and (11); and

(2) The capability to perform the following tasks with the frequency and in the manner required under, or by this chapter:

(i) Program requirements. Performing such functions as the Secretary may specify related to management of the State IV-D program under this chapter including:

(A) Controlling and accounting for the use of Federal, State and local funds in carrying out the program either directly, through an auxiliary system or through an interface with State financial management and expenditure information; and

(B) Maintaining the data necessary to meet Federal reporting requirements under this chapter in a timely basis as prescribed by the Office;

(ii) Calculation of Performance Indicators. Enabling the Secretary to determine the incentive payments and penalty adjustments required by sections 452(g) and 458 of the Act by:

(A) Using automated processes to:

(1) Maintain the requisite data on State performance for paternity establishment and child support enforcement activities in the State; and

(2) Calculate the paternity establishment percentage for the State for each fiscal year;

(B) Having in place system controls to ensure the completeness, and reliability of, and ready access to, the data described in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(A)(1) of this section, and the accuracy of the calculation described in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(A)(2) of this section; and

(iii) System Controls: Having systems controls (e.g., passwords or blocking of fields) to ensure strict adherence to the policies described in Sec. 307.13(a); and

(3) Activities described in the Act that were added by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-193, not otherwise addressed in this part.

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