It is de-identified, or is it?

7 minute read

How many of us have heard one of our stakeholders assert that their data set is de-identified? As privacy compliance professionals, we are often tasked with critically evaluating data sets and guiding stakeholders to fully understand what is and what is not considered de-identified. Another challenge is that stakeholders may not conduct de-identification often and, therefore, may experience definition drift.

This article will explore the two permissible methods of de-identification under HIPAA. We will focus primarily on the safe harbor method as this is the most frequently used method, including exploring special considerations for zip codes, dates, and the “18th identifier”; however, we will touch on the expert determination method as well. Remember, once a data set meets the HIPAA parameters for de-identification, it is no longer subject to HIPAA. We will also differentiate a limited data set from a de-identified data set, as stakeholders often confuse these terms.

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