Insurance of loans for housing and related facilities for domestic farm labor

42 U.S. Code § 1484. Insurance of loans for housing and related facilities for domestic farm labor

(a) Authorization; terms and conditionsThe Secretary is authorized to insure and make commitments to insure loans made by lenders other than the United States to the owner of any farm or any association of farmers for the purpose of providing housing and related facilities for domestic farm labor, or to any Indian tribe for such purpose, or to any State (or political subdivision thereof), or any broad-based public or private nonprofit organization, or any limited partnership in which the general partner is a nonprofit entity, or any nonprofit organization of farmworkers incorporated within the State for the purpose of providing housing and related facilities for domestic farm labor any place within the State where a need exists. All such loans shall be made in accordance with terms and conditions substantially identical with those specified in section 1472 of this title, except that—
no such loan shall be insured in an amount in excess of the value of the farm involved less any prior liens in the case of a loan to an individual owner of a farm, or the total estimated value of the structures and facilities with respect to which the loan is made in the case of any other loan;
no such loan shall be insured if it bears interest at a rate in excess of 1 per centum per annum;
out of interest payments by the borrower the Secretary shall retain a charge in an amount not less than one-half of 1 per centum per annum of the unpaid principal balance of the loan;
the insurance contracts and agreements with respect to any loan may contain provisions for servicing the loan by the Secretary or by the lender, and for the purchase by the Secretary of the loan if it is not in default, on such terms and conditions as the Secretary may prescribe; and
the Secretary may take mortgages creating a lien running to the United States for the benefit of the insurance fund referred to in subsection (b) notwithstanding the fact that the note may be held by the lender or his assignee.
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