Financial assistance to provide low-rent housing for domestic farm labor

42 U.S. Code § 1486. Financial assistance to provide low-rent housing for domestic farm labor

(a) Application; considerationsUpon the application of any State or political subdivision thereof, or any Indian tribe, or any broad-based public or private nonprofit organization incorporated within the State, or any nonprofit organization of farmworkers incorporated within the State, the Secretary is authorized to provide financial assistance for the provision of low-rent housing and related facilities (which may be located any place within the State) for domestic farm labor, if he finds that—
the housing and related facilities for which financial assistance is requested will fulfill a pressing need in the area in which such housing and facilities will be located, and there is reasonable doubt that the same can be provided without financial assistance under this section;
the applicant will contribute, from its own resources or from funds borrowed under section 1484 of this title or elsewhere, at least 10 per centum of the total development cost;
the types of housing and related facilities to be provided are most practicable, giving due consideration to the purposes to be served thereby and the needs of the occupants thereof, and such housing and facilities shall be durable and suitable for year-around occupancy or use, unless the Secretary finds that there is no need for such year-around occupancy or use in that area; and
the construction will be undertaken in an economical manner, and the housing and related facilities will not be of elaborate or extravagant design or material.
(b) Maximum amount of assistance
The amount of any financial assistance provided under this section for low-rent housing and related facilities shall not exceed 90 per centum of the total development cost thereof, as determined by the Secretary, less such amount as the Secretary determines can be practicably obtained from other sources (including a loan under section 1484 of this title).
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