Identification of plan.

§ 52.2470 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State implementation plan for the State of Washington under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. The material incorporated is as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates on or after May 31, 2021, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.


(i) EPA Region 10 certifies that the rules and regulations provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules and regulations which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of May 31, 2021.

(ii) EPA Region 10 certifies that the source-specific requirements provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated source-specific requirements which have been approved in the notebook “40 CFR 52.2470(d)—Source Specific Requirements” as part of the State implementation plan as of May 31, 2021.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Air and Radiation Division, 1200 Sixth Avenue Suite 155, Seattle, Washington 98101; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to:

(c) EPA approved regulations.

Table 1—Regulations Approved Statewide

[Not applicable in Indian reservations (excluding non-trust land within the exterior boundaries of the Puyallup Indian Reservation) and any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction.]

State citation Title/subject State
EPA approval date Explanations
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-405—Kraft Pulping Mills
173-405-012Statement of Purpose3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-405-021Definitions5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984
173-405-040Emissions Standards5/24/1912/28/2023, 88 FR 89584Except: 173-405-040(1)(b); 173-405-040(1)(c); 173-405-040(3)(b); 173-405-040(3)(c); 173-405-040(4); 173-405-040(6)(b).
173-405-061More Restrictive Emission Standards3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-405-072Monitoring Requirements5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984Except 173-405-072(2).
173-405-078Emission Inventory3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-405-086New Source Review (NSR)5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984Except provisions related to WAC 173-400-114 and provisions excluded from our approval of WAC 173-400-110 through 173-400-113.
173-405-087Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984Except 173-400-720(4)(a)(i through iv), 173-400-720(4)(b)(iii)(C), and 173-400-750(2) second sentence.
173-405-091Special Studies3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-410—Sulfite Pulping Mills
173-410-012Statement of Purpose3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-410-021Definitions3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-410-040Emissions Standards5/24/1912/28/2023, 88 FR 89584Except: 173-410-040(3)(b); 173-410-040(5).
173-410-045Creditable Stack Height & Dispersion Techniques3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-410-062Monitoring Requirements5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984
173-410-071Emission Inventory3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-410-086New Source Review (NSR)5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984Except provisions related to WAC 173-400-114 and provisions excluded from our approval of WAC 173-400-110 through 173-400-113.
173-410-087Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984Except 173-400-720(4)(a)(i through iv), 173-400-720(4)(b)(iii)(C), and 173-400-750(2) second sentence.
173-410-100Special Studies3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-415—Primary Aluminum Plants
173-415-010Statement of Purpose3/22/911/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-415-015Applicability5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984Except 173-415-015(3).
173-415-020Definitions5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984Except 173-415-020(6).
173-415-030Emissions Standards5/24/1912/28/2023, 88 FR 89584Except: 173-410-030(1); 173-410-030(3)(b).
173-415-060Monitoring and Reporting5/24/192/26/20, 85 FR 10984Except 173-415-060(1)(b).
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-423—Low Emission Vehicles
173-423-010Purpose12/29/1211/8/21, 86 FR 61707
173-423-020Applicability12/31/0511/8/21,86 FR 61707
173-423-025Effective Date12/31/0511/8/21, 86 FR 61707
173-423-030Incorporation by Reference12/31/0511/8/21, 86 FR 61707
173-423-040Definitions and Abbreviations12/29/1211/8/21, 86 FR 61707 Except 173-423-040(3).
173-423-050Requirement to Meet California Vehicle Emission Standards12/29/1211/8/21, 86 FR 61707Except 173-423-050(2)(g).
173-423-060Exemptions12/29/1211/8/21, 86 FR 61707
173-423-070Emission Standards, Warranty, Recall and Other California Provisions Adopted by Reference1/27/1911/8/21, 86 FR 61707Except the incorporation by reference of California code sections 1961.1 and 1961.3.
173-423-080Fleet Average Nonmethane Organic Gas (NMOG) and NMOG Plus NOX Exhaust Emission Requirements, Reporting and Compliance.12/29/1211/8/21,86 FR 61707
173-423-100Manufacturer Delivery Reporting Requirements12/29/1211/8/21,86 FR 61707
173-423-110Warranty Requirements12/29/1211/8/21, 86 FR 61707
173-423-120Recalls12/29/1211/8/21, 86 FR 61707
173-423-130Surveillance12/31/0511/8/21, 86 FR 61707
173-423-140Enforcement12/31/0511/8/21, 86 FR 61707
173-423-150Severability12/31/0511/8/21, 86 FR 61707
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-425—Open Burning
173-425-010Purpose10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-020Applicability10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-030Definitions10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-036Curtailment During Episodes or Impaired Air Quality10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-045Prohibited Materials1/3/891/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-055Exceptions10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-065Residential Open Burning10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-075Commercial Open Burning10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-085Agricultural Open Burning10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-095No Burn Area Designation10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-100Delegation of Agricultural Open Burning Program10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-115Land Clearing Projects10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-120Department of Natural Resources Smoke Management Plan10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-130Notice of Violation10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-425-140Remedies10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-430—Burning of Field and Forage and Turf Grasses Grown for Seed Open Burning
173-430-010Purpose10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-430-020Definitions10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-430-030Permits, Conditions, and Restrictions10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-430-040Mobile Field Burners10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-430-050Other Approvals10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-430-060Study of Alternatives10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-430-070Fees10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-430-080Certification of Alternatives10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-433—Solid Fuel Burning Device Standards
173-433-010Purpose2/23/145/9/14, 79 FR 26628
173-433-020Applicability12/16/871/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-433-030Definitions2/23/145/9/14, 79 FR 26628
173-433-100Emission Performance Standards2/23/145/9/14, 79 FR 26628
173-433-110Opacity Standards2/23/145/9/14, 79 FR 26628
173-433-120Prohibited Fuel Types2/23/145/9/14, 79 FR 26628
173-433-130General Emission Standards10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-433-140Criteria for Impaired Air Quality Burn Bans2/23/145/9/14, 79 FR 26628
173-433-150Restrictions on Operation of Solid Fuel Burning Devices2/23/145/9/14, 79 FR 26628
173-433-155Criteria for Prohibiting Solid Fuel Burning Devices That Are Not Certified2/23/145/9/14, 79 FR 26628
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-434—Solid Waste Incinerator Facilities
173-434-010Purpose10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-434-020Applicability and Compliance1/22/048/4/05, 70 FR 44855
173-434-030Definitions1/22/048/4/05, 70 FR 44855
173-434-090Operation and Maintenance Plan10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-434-110Standards of Performance1/22/048/4/05, 70 FR 44855Except section (1)(a).
173-434-130Emission Standards1/22/048/4/05, 70 FR 44855Except section (2).
173-434-160Design and Operation1/22/048/4/05, 70 FR 44855
173-434-170Monitoring and Reporting1/22/048/4/05, 70 FR 44855
173-434-190Changes in Operation1/22/048/4/05, 70 FR 44855
173-434-200Emission Inventory1/22/048/4/05, 70 FR 44855
173-434-210Special Studies10/18/901/15/93, 58 FR 4578
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-435—Emergency Episode Plan
173-435-010Purpose1/3/891/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-435-015Significant Harm Levels1/3/891/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-435-020Definitions1/3/891/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-435-030Episode Stage Criteria1/3/891/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-435-040Source Emission Reduction Plans1/3/891/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-435-050Action Procedures1/3/891/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-435-060Enforcement1/3/891/15/93, 58 FR 4578
173-435-070Sampling Sites, Equipment and Methods1/3/891/15/93, 58 FR 4578Except section (1).
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-476—Ambient Air Quality Standards
173-476-010Purpose12/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-020Applicability07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
173-476-030Definitions12/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-100Ambient Air Quality Standard for PM-1012/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-110Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM-2.512/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-120Ambient Air Quality Standard for Lead (Pb)12/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-130Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Oxides (Sulfur Dioxide)12/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-140Ambient Air Quality Standards for Nitrogen Oxides (Nitrogen Dioxide)12/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-150Ambient Air Quality Standard for Ozone07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
173-476-160Ambient Air Quality Standards for Carbon Monoxide12/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-170Monitor Siting Criteria12/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-180Reference Conditions12/22/133/4/14, 79 FR 12077
173-476-900Table of Standards07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-490—Emission Standards and Controls for Sources Emitting Volatile Organic Compounds
173-490-010Policy and Purpose3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-020Definitions3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-025General Applicability3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-030Registration and Reporting3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-040Requirements3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-080Exceptions and Alternative Methods3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-090New Source Review (NSR)3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-200Petroleum Refinery Equipment Leaks3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-201Petroleum Liquid Storage in External Floating Roof Tanks3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-202Leaks from Gasoline Transport Tanks and Vapor Collection System3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-203Perchloroethylene Dry Cleaning Systems3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-204Graphic Arts System3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-205Surface Coating of Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-207Surface Coating of Flatwood Paneling3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
173-490-208Aerospace Assembly and Component Coating Operations3/22/917/12/93, 58 FR 37426
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-492—Motor Fuel Specifications for Oxygenated Gasoline
173-492-010Policy and Purpose10/19/964/30/97, 62 FR 23363
173-492-020Applicability12/1/924/30/97, 62 FR 23363
173-492-030Definitions12/1/924/30/97, 62 FR 23363
173-492-040Compliance Requirements12/1/924/30/97, 62 FR 23363
173-492-050Registration Requirements10/19/964/30/97, 62 FR 23363
173-492-060Labeling Requirements12/1/924/30/97, 62 FR 23363
173-492-070Control Areas and Control Periods10/19/964/30/97, 62 FR 23363
173-492-080Enforcement and Compliance12/1/924/30/97, 62 FR 23363
173-492-090Unplanned Conditions12/1/924/30/97, 62 FR 23363
173-492-100Severability12/1/924/30/97, 62 FR 23363
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 332-24—Forest Protection
332-24-201Burning Permit Program—Requirements and Exceptions6/30/928/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
332-24-205General rules—Minimum Requirements for All Burning11/22/198/10/2023,88 FR 54242Except section (13).
332-24-211Specific rules for small fires not requiring a written burning permit7/31/928/10/2023, 88 FR 54242Included for the purpose of setting the size limit for burns covered by the Department of Natural Resources 2022 Smoke Management Plan in paragraph (e), Table 2.
332-24-217Burning permit requirements—Penalty7/31/928/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
332-24-221Specific Rules for Burning That Requires a Written Burning Permit2/1/128/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 52.12—Fire Protection Districts, Powers—Burning Permits
52.12.103Burning permits—Issuance—Contents.3/27/848/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
52.12.104Burning permits—Duties of permittee3/27/848/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 70A.15—Washington Clean Air Act
70A.15.1030(21)Definitions. “Silvicultural burning”6/11/208/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
70A.15.5000Definition of “outdoor burning”7/26/208/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
70A.15.5010 (2)Outdoor burning—Fires prohibited—Exceptions6/11/208/10/2023, 88 FR 54242Except (1).
70A.15.5020Outdoor burning—Areas where prohibited—Exceptions—Use for management of storm or flood-related debris—Silvicultural burning6/11/208/10/2023, 88 FR 54242Except (3).
70A.15.5120Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations—issuance—Fees6/11/208/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
70A.15.5130Silvicultural forest burning—Reduce statewide emissions Exemption—Monitoring program7/28/198/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
70A.15.5140Burning permits for abating or prevention of forest fire hazards, management of ecosystems, instruction or silvicultural operations—Conditions for issuance and use of permits—Air quality standards to be met—Alternate methods to lessen forest debris6/11/208/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
70A.15.5150Cooperation between department of natural resources and state, local, or regional air pollution authorities—Withholding of permits6/11/208/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
70A.15.5190Outdoor burning allowed for managing storm or flood-related debris6/11/208/10/2023, 88 FR 54242
Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 76.04—Washington Clean Air Act
76.04.005Definitions7/24/158/10/2023, 88 FR 54242Except (2), (3), (4), (6), (7), (8), (10), (14), (16), (17), (19), (22)
76.04.205Burning Permits—Civil Penalty7/25/218/10/2023, 88 FR 54242

Table 2—Additional Regulations Approved for Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) Direct Jurisdiction

[Applicable in Adams, Asotin, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, San Juan, Stevens, Walla Walla, and Whitman counties, excluding facilities subject to Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) jurisdiction, Indian reservations (excluding non-trust land within the exterior boundaries of the Puyallup Indian Reservation), and any other area where the EPA or an Indian tribe has demonstrated that a tribe has jurisdiction. These regulations also apply statewide for facilities subject to the applicability sections of WAC 173-400-700, 173-405-012, 173-410-012, and 173-415-012.]

State citation Title/subject State
EPA approval date Explanations
Washington Administrative Code, Chapter 173-400—General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources
173-400-010Policy and Purpose3/22/916/2/95, 60 FR 28726
173-400-020Applicability12/29/1210/3/14, 79 FR 59653
173-400-025Adoption of Federal Rules9/16/182/24/20, 85 FR 10302
173-400-030Definitions9/16/1812/28/202,88 FR 89584, Except: 173-400-030(96).
173-400-040General Standards for Maximum Emissions9/16/182/24/20, 85 FR 10302Except: 173-400-040(2); 173-400-040(3); 173-400-040(5).
173-400-040(2)General Standards for Maximum Emissions07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69385Except: 173-400-040(2)(c); 173-400-040(2)(d).
173-400-050Emission Standards for Combustion and Incineration Units9/16/182/24/20, 85 FR 10302Except: 173-400-050(2); 173-400-050(4); 173-400-050(5); 173-400-050(6).
173-400-060Emission Standards for General Process Units11/25/182/24/20, 85 FR 10302
173-400-070Emission Standards for Certain Source Categories9/16/1812/28/2023, 88 FR 89584Except: 173-400-070(5); 173-400-070(6).
173-400-081Emissions Limits During Startup and Shutdown9/16/1812/28/2023, 88 FR 89584
173-400-082Alternative Emissions Limit That Exceeds an Emission Standard in the SIP9/16/1812/28/2023, 88 FR 89584
173-400-091Voluntary Limits on Emissions4/1/1110/3/14, 79 FR 596539/20/93 version continues to be approved under the authority of CAA Section 112(l) with respect to Section 112 hazardous air pollutants. See the Federal Register of June 2, 1995.
173-400-105Records, Monitoring, and Reporting11/25/182/24/20, 85 FR 10302
173-400-110New Source Review (NSR) for Sources and Portable Sources12/29/129/29/16, 81 FR 66825Except: 173-400-110(1)(c)(ii)(C); 173-400-110(1)(e); 173-400-110(2)(d);
The part of WAC 173-400-110(4)(b)(vi) that says,
• “not for use with materials containing toxic air pollutants, as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC,”;
The part of 400-110 (4)(e)(iii) that says,
• “where toxic air pollutants as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”;
The part of 400-110(4)(f)(i) that says,
• “that are not toxic air pollutants listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”;
The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xviii) that says,
• “, to the extent that toxic air pollutant gases as defined in chapter 173-460 WAC are not emitted”;
The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxiii) that says,
• “where no toxic air pollutants as listed under chapter 173-460 WAC are emitted”;
The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxiv) that says,
• “, or ≤1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”;
The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxv) that says,
• “or ≤1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants”;
The part of 400-110(4)(h)(xxxvi) that says,
• “or ≤1% (by weight) toxic air pollutants as listed in chapter 173-460 WAC”;
400-110(4)(h)(xl), second sentence;
The last row of the table in 173-400-110(5)(b) regarding exemption levels for Toxic Air Pollutants.
173-400-111Processing Notice of Construction Applications for Sources, Stationary Sources and Portable Sources07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386Except: 173-400-111(3)(h);
The part of 173-400-111(8)(a)(v) that says,
• “and 173-460-040,”;
173-400-112Requirements for New Sources in Nonattainment Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations12/29/129/29/16, 81 FR 66825
173-400-113New Sources in Attainment or Unclassifiable Areas—Review for Compliance with Regulations12/29/124/29/15, 80 FR 23721Except: 173-400-113(3), second sentence.
173-400-116Increment Protection07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
173-400-117Special Protection Requirements for Federal Class I Areas12/29/124/29/15, 80 FR 23721
173-400-118Designation of Class I, II, and III Areas12/29/1210/3/14, 79 FR 59653
173-400-131Issuance of Emission Reduction Credits4/1/1111/7/14, 79 FR 66291
173-400-136Use of Emission Reduction Credits (ERC)12/29/1211/7/14, 79 FR 66291
173-400-151Retrofit Requirements for Visibility Protection2/10/0510/3/14, 79 FR 59653
173-400-161Compliance Schedules3/22/916/2/95, 60 FR 28726
173-400-171Public Notice and Opportunity for Public Comment9/16/1812/28/2023, 88 FR 89584Except: The part of 173-400-171(3)(b) that says,
• “or any increase in emissions of a toxic air pollutant above the acceptable source impact level for that toxic air pollutant as regulated under chapter 173-460 WAC”; 173-400-171(12).
173-400-175Public Information2/10/0510/3/14, 79 FR 59653
173-400-190Requirements for Nonattainment Areas3/22/916/2/95, 60 FR 28726
173-400-200Creditable Stack Height and Dispersion Techniques2/10/0510/3/14, 79 FR 59653
173-400-205Adjustment for Atmospheric Conditions3/22/916/2/95, 60 FR 28726
173-400-210Emission Requirements of Prior Jurisdictions3/22/916/2/95, 60 FR 28726
173-400-560General Order of Approval12/29/124/29/15, 80 FR 23721Except: The part of 173-400-560(1)(f) that says,
“173-460 WAC”.
173-400-700Review of Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution4/1/114/29/15, 80 FR 23721
173-400-710Definitions07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
173-400-720Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386Except: 173-400-720(4)(a)(i through iv) and 173-400-720(4)(b)(iii)(C).
173-400-730Prevention of Significant Deterioration Application Processing Procedures07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
173-400-740PSD Permitting Public Involvement Requirements9/16/182/24/20, 85 FR 10302
173-400-750Revisions to PSD Permits12/29/124/29/15, 80 FR 23721Except: 173-400-750(2) second sentence.
173-400-800Major Stationary Source and Major Modification in a Nonattainment Area4/1/1111/7/14, 79 FR 66291
173-400-810Major Stationary Source and Major Modification Definitions07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
173-400-820Determining if a New Stationary Source or Modification to a Stationary Source is Subject to these Requirements12/29/1211/7/14, 79 FR 66291
173-400-830Permitting Requirements07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
173-400-840Emission Offset Requirements07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
173-400-850Actual Emissions Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL)07/01/1610/6/16, 81 FR 69386
173-400-860Public Involvement Procedures4/1/1111/7/14, 79 FR 66291
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