Best available retrofit technology requirements for the Intalco Aluminum Corporation (Intalco Works) primary aluminum plant—Better than BART Alternative.

§ 52.2500 Best available retrofit technology requirements for the Intalco Aluminum Corporation (Intalco Works) primary aluminum plant—Better than BART Alternative.

(a) Applicability. This section applies to the Intalco Aluminum Corporation (Intalco) primary aluminum plant located in Ferndale, Washington and to its successors and/or assignees.

(b) Better than BART Alternative—Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission limit for potlines. Starting January 1, 2015, SO2 emissions from all potlines in aggregate must not exceed a total of 5,240 tons for any calendar year.

(c) Compliance demonstration. (1) Intalco must determine on a calendar month basis, SO2 emissions using the following formula:

SO2 emissions in tons per calendar month = (carbon consumption ratio) × (% sulfur in baked anodes/100) × (% sulfur converted to SO2/100) × (2 pounds of SO2 per pound of sulfur) × (tons of aluminum production per calendar month)
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