Emerging Threats Committee, plan, and media campaign

21 U.S. Code § 1708. Emerging Threats Committee, plan, and media campaign

(a) Emerging and Continuing Threats Coordinator
The Director shall designate or appoint a United States Emerging and Continuing Threats Coordinator to perform the duties of that position described in this section and such other duties as may be determined by the Director. For purposes of carrying out the previous sentence, the Director shall designate or appoint an appointee in the Senior Executive Service or an appointee in a position at level 15 of the General Schedule (or equivalent).
(b) Emerging Threats Committee
(1) In generalThe Emerging Threats Committee shall—
monitor evolving and emerging drug threats in the United States;
identify and discuss evolving and emerging drug trends in the United States using the criteria required to be established under paragraph (6);
assist in the formulation of and oversee implementation of any plan described in subsection (d);
provide such other advice to the Coordinator and Director concerning strategy and policies for emerging drug threats and trends as the Committee determines to be appropriate; and
(E) disseminate and facilitate the sharing with Federal, State, local, and Tribal officials and other entities as determined by the Director of pertinent information and data relating to—
recent trends in drug supply and demand;
fatal and nonfatal overdoses;
demand for and availability of evidence-based substance use disorder treatment, including the extent of the unmet treatment need, and treatment admission trends;
recent trends in drug interdiction, supply, and demand from State, local, and Tribal law enforcement agencies; and
other subject matter as determined necessary by the Director.
(2) Chairperson
The Director shall designate one of the members of the Emerging Threats Committee to serve as Chairperson.
(3) MembersThe Director shall appoint other members of the Committee, which shall include—
representatives from National Drug Control Program agencies or other agencies;
representatives from State, local, and Tribal governments; and
representatives from other entities as designated by the Director.
(4) Meetings
The members of the Emerging Threats Committee shall meet, in person and not through any delegate or representative, not less frequently than once per calendar year, before June 1. At the call of the Director or the Chairperson, the Emerging Threats Committee may hold additional meetings as the members may choose.
(5) Contract, agreement, and other authority
The Director may award contracts, enter into interagency agreements, manage individual projects, and conduct other activities in support of the identification of emerging drug threats and in support of the development, implementation, and assessment of any Emerging Threat Response Plan.
(6) Criteria to identify emerging drug threats
Not later than 180 days after the date on which the Committee first meets, the Committee shall develop and recommend to the Director criteria to be used to identify an emerging drug threat or the termination of an emerging drug threat designation based on information gathered by the Committee, statistical data, and other evidence.
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