Development, submission, implementation, and assessment of National Drug Control Strategy

21 U.S. Code § 1705. Development, submission, implementation, and assessment of National Drug Control Strategy

(a) In general
(1) Statement of drug policy priorities
The Director shall release a statement of drug control policy priorities in the calendar year of a Presidential inauguration following the inauguration, but not later than April 1.
(2) National Drug Control Strategy submitted by the President
Not later than the first Monday in February following the year in which the term of the President commences, and every 2 years thereafter, the President shall submit to Congress a National Drug Control Strategy.
(b) Development of the National Drug Control Strategy
(1) Promulgation
The Director shall promulgate the National Drug Control Strategy, which shall set forth a comprehensive plan to reduce illicit drug use and the consequences of such illicit drug use in the United States by limiting the availability of and reducing the demand for illegal drugs and promoting prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery support for individuals with substance use disorders.
(2) State and local commitment
The Director shall seek the support and commitment of State, local, and Tribal officials in the formulation and implementation of the National Drug Control Strategy.
(3) Strategy based on evidence
The Director shall ensure the National Drug Control Strategy is based on the best available evidence regarding the policies that are most effective in reducing the demand for and supply of illegal drugs.
(4) Process for development and submission of National Drug Control StrategyIn developing and effectively implementing the National Drug Control Strategy, the Director—
(A) shall consult with—
the heads of the National Drug Control Program agencies;
each Coordinator listed in section 1703 of this title;
the Interdiction Committee and the Emerging Threats Committee;
the appropriate congressional committees and any other committee of jurisdiction;
State, local, and Tribal officials;
private citizens and organizations, including community and faith-based organizations, with experience and expertise in demand reduction;
private citizens and organizations with experience and expertise in supply reduction; and
appropriate representatives of foreign governments; and
in satisfying the requirements of subparagraph (A), shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible, that State, local, and Tribal officials and relevant private organizations commit to support and take steps to achieve the goals and objectives of the National Drug Control Strategy.
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