Duties and powers of Administrative Law Judges; stipulations of cases to Administrative Law Judges or to the Board; assignment and powers of settlement judges.

§ 102.35 Duties and powers of Administrative Law Judges; stipulations of cases to Administrative Law Judges or to the Board; assignment and powers of settlement judges.

(a) The Administrative Law Judge will inquire fully into the facts as to whether the Respondent has engaged in or is engaging in an unfair labor practice affecting commerce as set forth in the complaint or amended complaint. The Administrative Law Judge has authority, with respect to cases assigned to the Judge, between the time the Judge is designated and transfer of the case to the Board, subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Board and within its powers, to:

(1) Administer oaths and affirmations.

(2) Grant applications for subpoenas.

(3) Rule upon petitions to revoke subpoenas.

(4) Rule upon offers of proof and receive relevant evidence.

(5) Take or cause depositions to be taken whenever the ends of justice would be served.

(6) Regulate the course of the hearing and, if appropriate or necessary, to exclude persons or counsel from the hearing for contemptuous conduct and to strike all related testimony of witnesses refusing to answer any proper question.

(7) Hold conferences for the settlement or simplification of the issues by consent of the parties, but not to adjust cases.

(8) Dispose of procedural requests, motions, or similar matters, including motions referred to the Administrative Law Judge by the Regional Director and motions for default judgment, summary judgment, or to amend pleadings; also to dismiss complaints or portions thereof; to order hearings reopened; and, upon motion, to order proceedings consolidated or severed prior to issuance of Administrative Law Judge decisions.

(9) Approve stipulations, including stipulations of facts that waive a hearing and provide for a decision by the Administrative Law Judge. Alternatively, the parties may agree to waive a hearing and decision by an Administrative Law Judge and submit directly to the Executive Secretary a stipulation of facts, which, if approved, provides for a decision by the Board. A statement of the issues presented may be set forth in the stipulation of facts, and each party may also submit a short statement (no more than three pages) of its position on the issues. If the Administrative Law Judge (or the Board) approves the stipulation, the Judge (or the Board) will set a time for the filing of briefs. In proceedings before an Administrative Law Judge, no further briefs may be filed except by special leave of the Judge. In proceedings before the Board, answering briefs may be filed within 14 days, or such further period as the Board may allow, from the last date on which an initial brief may be filed. No further briefs may be filed except by special leave of the Board. At the conclusion of the briefing schedule, the Administrative Law Judge (or the Board) will decide the case or otherwise dispose of it.

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