Administrative Law Judge's decision; contents of record; alternative dispute resolution program.

§ 102.45 Administrative Law Judge's decision; contents of record; alternative dispute resolution program.

(a) Administrative Law Judge's decision. After a hearing for the purpose of taking evidence upon a complaint, the Administrative Law Judge will prepare a decision. The decision will contain findings of fact, conclusions of law, and the reasons or grounds for the findings and conclusions, and recommendations for the proper disposition of the case. If the Respondent is found to have engaged in the alleged unfair labor practices, the decision will also contain a recommendation for such affirmative action by the Respondent as will effectuate the policies of the Act. The Administrative Law Judge will file the decision with the Board. If the Judge delivers a bench decision, promptly upon receiving the transcript the Judge will certify the accuracy of the pages of the transcript containing the decision; file with the Board a certified copy of those pages, together with any supplementary matter the Judge may deem necessary to complete the decision; and serve a copy on each of the parties. Upon the filing of the decision, the Board will enter an order transferring the case to the Board, setting forth the date of the transfer and will serve on all the parties copies of the decision and the order. Service of the Administrative Law Judge's decision and of the order transferring the case to the Board is complete upon mailing.

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