
§ 118.2 Definitions.

For the purposes of this part:

Adverse weather means weather conditions that make it difficult for response equipment and personnel to clean up or respond to discharged CWA hazardous substances, accounting for impacts due to climate change, such as the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, temperature fluctuations, rising seas, storm surges, inland and coastal flooding, drought, wildfires, and permafrost melt in northern areas and that must be considered when identifying response systems and equipment in a response plan for the applicable operating environment.

Article means a manufactured item that is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture, has end use functions dependent in whole or in part upon the shape or design during end use, and does not release or otherwise result in exposure to a CWA hazardous substance under normal conditions of processing and use.

Container means any device or portable device in which a CWA hazardous substance is processed, stored, used, transported, treated, disposed of, or otherwise handled.

Contract or other approved means is defined as:

(1) A written contractual agreement with a spill response organization that identifies and ensures the availability of the necessary personnel and equipment within appropriate response times;

(2) A written certification by the owner or operator that the necessary personnel and equipment resources, owned or operated by the facility owner or operator, are available to respond to a discharge within appropriate response times;

(3) Active membership in a local or regional spill response organization that has identified and ensures adequate access through such membership to necessary personnel and equipment to respond to a discharge within appropriate response times in the specified geographic area; or

(4) Any other specific arrangement approved by the Regional Administrator upon request of the owner or operator.

CWA Hazardous Substance means any hazardous substance designated in 40 CFR part 116.

Discharge includes, but is not limited to, any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, or dumping of a CWA hazardous substance, but excludes: discharges in compliance with a permit under section 402 of the CWA; discharges resulting from circumstances identified, reviewed, and made a part of the public record with respect to a permit issued or modified under section 402 of the CWA, and subject to a condition in such permit; and continuous or anticipated intermittent discharges from a point source, identified in a permit or permit application under section 402 of the CWA, that are caused by events occurring within the scope of relevant operating or treatment systems.

Distance to the endpoint means the greatest distance a CWA hazardous substance in a worst case discharge into or on the navigable waters or a conveyance to navigable waters can travel while still having the ability to cause injury to public receptors or fish, wildlife, and sensitive environments, as determined under § 118.3(c)(1) and (c)(3) using endpoint concentrations enumerated in Appendix B or adversely impact a public water system as in § 118.3(c)(2).

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